info Overview
Name - What is New Europe’s full name?

New Europe

Description - Describe New Europe.

The countries that made up the old EU (plus some) have became one and dubbed themselves New Europe

Type - What type of location is New Europe?


face Culture
Population - What is New Europe’s population?

roughly 800 miljon

Sports - What sports are played in New Europe?

After 300 years, the civilians of New Europe still go nuts about football

Language - What languages are spoken in New Europe?

English, with many different dialects divided by what once used to be individual lands

Laws - What are the laws in New Europe?

Super humans and their ability need to be registered.
Superhero is a profession financed by the government.
Miss-use of abillitisch results in imprisonment and neutralization of superpowers.

Currency - What currencies are used in New Europe?


business Cities
map Geography
Area - What kind of area is New Europe in?

Europe early 21st century

Climate - What is the climate like in New Europe?

All climates from Norway to Turky and Ireland to Ukrain

Located at - Where is New Europe located?


Crops - What crops does New Europe produce?

sprouts, olives, chocolate, beer, wine

book History
Founding Story - How was New Europe founded?

After the Energy crisis many countries were weakened. In an (successful) attempt to stabilize the economy and secure the future, the old countries that made up Europe became one and formed New Europe.

Notable Wars - What notable wars has New Europe been involved in?

The world was thrown into turmoil when the energy-crisis started, initiating a worldwide war for power and resources.

Established Year - When was New Europe established?


history Changelog
edit Notes

This location was created by M.W. Poel on

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