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- {:area=>"What kind of area is %{name} in?", :climate=>"What is the climate like in %{name}?", :crops=>"What crops does %{name} produce?", :currency=>"What currencies are used in %{name}?", :established_year=>"When was %{name} established?", :founding_story=>"How was %{name} founded?", :language=>"What languages are spoken in %{name}?", :laws=>"What are the laws in %{name}?", :located_at=>"Where is %{name} located?", :motto=>"What is %{name}’s motto?", :notable_wars=>"What notable wars has %{name} been involved in?", :population=>"What is %{name}’s population?", :sports=>"What sports are played in %{name}?", :type=>"What type of location is %{name}?", :description=>"Describe %{name}.", :name=>"What is %{name}’s full name?"}

Universal Cultism takes precedence, with subcultures who prefer to worship one or other of the Seven [Fate, Death, Time, Chance, Luck, Nature or Chaos].

Warriors in particular honour Death and the angels of Death, like the Schrika, who is one of the major psychopomps in Jamtish lore.

Shamanism is widely practiced and respected.

Faerie Worship is discouraged but not actively persecuted.

Phantasmie is not widely practiced. [See also: Aelfthorne, Religion]

The Cult of Zacharias (later known as Zacharism) was a minority cult with about as many adherrants as Phantasmie, but this increased with King Hardrada II's patronage. He married a Zacharist, and his biggest political threat was married to a Donwight, whose powers were deeply concerning to Hardrada II.


This location was created by C. M. Rosens on

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