info Overview
Name - What is Magma Cave Mountain’s full name?

Magma Cave Mountain

Type - What type of location is Magma Cave Mountain?


Description - Describe Magma Cave Mountain.

A grand mining and forging site, Fire Elemental influence caused it to become a volcanic site teeming with lava.

face Culture
Language - What languages are spoken in Magma Cave Mountain?

Common, Ignan, Dwarfish, Giant

Population - What is Magma Cave Mountain’s population?


Motto - What is Magma Cave Mountain’s motto?

Forged in the Flames, come the Sharpest Blades

business Cities
map Geography
Area - What kind of area is Magma Cave Mountain in?

Volcanic Rocky land

Crops - What crops does Magma Cave Mountain produce?

No crops

Located at - Where is Magma Cave Mountain located?

The North-West Regions, center of the Giant Beuracracy

Climate - What is the climate like in Magma Cave Mountain?

Hot, humid and earthy

date_range History
Founding Story - How was Magma Cave Mountain founded?

Was chosen by anceint Dwarves as a minign and blacksmithy site.

Established Year - When was Magma Cave Mountain established?

700 BD

Notable Wars - What notable wars has Magma Cave Mountain been involved in?

The War of the Giant Bearcats, and War of Ignan. The first came when the giants took advantage of a lack of Draconic presence, and took control of the region. The second was the Conflict between the Dwarves(and others) and the Ignan appearing in the mountain, eventually resulting in a truce.

edit Notes

Where many of present day weapons and items are made


This location was created by maglo is Aromantic on

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