info Overview
Name - What is Amagi Mahdunah’s full name?

Amagi Mahdunah

Type - What type of location is Amagi Mahdunah?

Mining town

Description - Describe Amagi Mahdunah.

A hardcore mining town where all residents are slaves to Indiblu, a warlord.

face Culture
Language - What languages are spoken in Amagi Mahdunah?


Population - What is Amagi Mahdunah’s population?


Currency - What currencies are used in Amagi Mahdunah?

There is no money in this town whatsoever.

Motto - What is Amagi Mahdunah’s motto?

War is our savior.

Laws - What are the laws in Amagi Mahdunah?

No laws.

Sports - What sports are played in Amagi Mahdunah?

None, as all time is spent mining or surviving.

business Cities
map Geography
Area - What kind of area is Amagi Mahdunah in?

In the desert plains.

Crops - What crops does Amagi Mahdunah produce?


Located at - Where is Amagi Mahdunah located?

Galidoh Plains

Climate - What is the climate like in Amagi Mahdunah?

Hot, dry, no rain.

date_range History
Founding Story - How was Amagi Mahdunah founded?

It was founded by the warlord Indiblu after the Gashiin War.

Established Year - When was Amagi Mahdunah established?


Notable Wars - What notable wars has Amagi Mahdunah been involved in?

Gashiin War, Nufo Ralretti War, Galidoh Plains War

edit Notes

A major outcome of the Gashiin War. Where the main character, Havely, comes from.

Character chevron_right Birthplace link linked Amagi Mahdunah

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