info Overview
Name - What is Fredrickson's School of Magical Arts’s full name?

Fredrickson's School of Magical Arts

Description - Describe Fredrickson's School of Magical Arts.

The school that Frog, Dick, Juniper, Shiloh, & Vanessa attend.

Type - What type of location is Fredrickson's School of Magical Arts?


face Culture
Language - What languages are spoken in Fredrickson's School of Magical Arts?

English primarily, but there are students from a lot of different places, so other languages that can commonly be heard are Spanish, French, Japanese, and Atlantean.

Currency - What currencies are used in Fredrickson's School of Magical Arts?

US dollars

Population - What is Fredrickson's School of Magical Arts’s population?

Generally large

Motto - What is Fredrickson's School of Magical Arts’s motto?

Huc pertinet omnes. (everyone belongs here)

Laws - What are the laws in Fredrickson's School of Magical Arts?

There are school rules that I'll write in later because I don't feel like writing out an entire handbook.

map Geography
Located at - Where is Fredrickson's School of Magical Arts located?

Near Philadelphia, PA

date_range History
history Changelog
edit Notes

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