info Overview
Name - What is Provo, Utah Timpview Drive’s full name?

Provo, Utah Timpview Drive

Type - What type of location is Provo, Utah Timpview Drive?

Near the base of the mountains, with close-together neighborhoods close to bigger cities

Description - Describe Provo, Utah Timpview Drive.

more extreme and changing seasons.

face Culture
Language - What languages are spoken in Provo, Utah Timpview Drive?

English, mostly

Population - What is Provo, Utah Timpview Drive’s population?

1 (eventually 0 unless you count the wild animals that come)

Currency - What currencies are used in Provo, Utah Timpview Drive?

US dollars (but none, cuz no one's there)

Motto - What is Provo, Utah Timpview Drive’s motto?


Laws - What are the laws in Provo, Utah Timpview Drive?

the regular ones, I guess

Sports - What sports are played in Provo, Utah Timpview Drive?

What's not played?

business Cities
map Geography
Area - What kind of area is Provo, Utah Timpview Drive in?

Mountain area

Crops - What crops does Provo, Utah Timpview Drive produce?

wheat, apples, IDK

Located at - Where is Provo, Utah Timpview Drive located?

Utah, the US of A

Climate - What is the climate like in Provo, Utah Timpview Drive?

dry, steppe

date_range History
Founding Story - How was Provo, Utah Timpview Drive founded?

mostly LDS founders

edit Notes

Yeah, she doesn't stay here or ever come back because there are too many bad memories, but she does take a lot of memos.


This location was created by Nijiko Tames on

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