bubble_chart Overview
Name - What is Arctic’s full name?


Type - What type of location is Arctic?


Description - Describe Arctic.

It is a country beneath the surface. It has many cities and a large population. All the houses and shops are connected by long hallways and train stations that connect the cities. They call the rest of the world the "surface" and keep secret from it.

new_releases Notices and Updates!

So there's still a lot to be done, but I've been like super busy and had no ideas relating to Arctic and have kinda moved on to new things but I'm probably gonna come back some times



What Will Be Added Soon?

Entertainment, and hopefully other stuff since I'm formatting things differently so hopefully I'll be able to add things better

add_to_photos Collaborating and Writing
explore Geography
Area - What kind of area is Arctic in?


Crops - What crops does Arctic produce?

All of them. They grow a lot of crops and it is all automatic with scientist and engineers putting some work time to keep them running.

Some of the more popular crops being wheat since it is such a commonly used crop.

Sunlight factors explained in Hallways and Buildings (To be added)


Underground mostly just spread apart the world.

Climate - What is the climate like in Arctic?

Depends on the day because the whole place has air conditioning and other things to keep temperature at a reasonable place

vpn_lock The "Surface"
What is the "Surface"

The "Surface" is the rest of the world. Since the rest of the world is on the surface of the Earth, the people on Arctic refer to it as that.

Relationship with the "Surface"

The people in Arctic know about the rest of the world and people born there or go to the schools learn about the rest of the world including history of the world and what's happening currently.

Other than that, there's the government. The leaders of the largest countries around the world know about Arctic. Arctic has to give something back for living underneath these countries, so, what Arctic does is give the rest of the world certain technology, takes in kids who don't have families, and if someone needs to leave their country has no where to go, Arctic lets them come. Sometimes Arctic does have to pay a certain amount of money to stay a secret but that's it.

face Culture
Language - What languages are spoken in Arctic?

The most spoken language is English. In some areas there is a second language but people are encouraged to know English for better understanding.

Some people speak a little differently though. Since Arctic is completely separated from the "Surface" the way people speak changes and different language trends appear.

Population - What is Arctic’s population?

A lot. I don't know how much a lot is so just a lot

Sports - What sports are played in Arctic?

Most of the sports are generally just ones from the "surface" just slightly changed but with the focus on fighting and secrecy, sports like shooting and card games are more popular

format_list_numbered Ranking System
Ranking System

Ranks are like a social status, except it does not effect how people treat you. Or at least it isn't supposed to... It represents how "good" of a citizen you are but it is not that big of a deal until you reach ranks 500 and up. The higher you get, the better jobs you can get.

Once you are at rank 600 you can apply for a "Special Citizen" which means you can buy train tickets without an interview, you can own multiple houses (unless the house is needed) and you can apply to government jobs.

First Ranks
When you are first born or arrive at arctic you start at no ranks. But they are not important for your first years there.

If you are born there (or arrive between the ages 0-15), you go to school, and live with your parents.

When you turn 15 you go to Arctic College (Arctic College to be added), you need to stay there for at least a year to get a first rank job, two to get second rank jobs, three to get third rank jobs, and four to get fourth rank and higher (Explained in jobs). How you did in school are your first ranks.

Around the ages 19-25 your ranks usually stay under 100. You can get ranks by doing good with jobs, helping people, and being a good person. Your rank number after 25 greatly varies.

If you came there after the age of 15 you spend some time getting to know the place (around 1-3 months) then you go to Arctic college and the rest proceeds like if you were born there.

How to Get Ranks
The first way, is being good at your job. It's like if someone puts a good review of your store on Yelp or something.
Another way is volunteering. You can volunteer to help at a school or to help with the restaurants or other things. You don't usually get paid for volunteering but you can get ranks.
The last way is by doing something good. Anything like helping someone find their mom or complimenting someone can get you a rank.

Also the longer you are at arctic, the more ranks you get by doing things. Each year you've been there is x+.5x . x being how many ranks you receive from a task.

When someone does something good, then you or someone else puts it on the app, Rank Givers. When this happens the people who are in charge of people's ranks can give them a rank if the thing they did fits the ways to get a rank.

Arguments about Ranks
Some people argue that the ranking system is unfair or that some people who are unable to do some things can't get very far. And there are some ways the ranking system can become better and Arctic is constantly listening to what people have to say and they make changes when they are able to. Most people agree that it is fair and easy to understand.

assignment_ind ID's and Identification
What is the ID?

An ID is a little plastic card on a lanyard that everyone has around.

What is on the ID?

The ID has your name (or nickname if you chose), pronouns, any awards if you chose to present them, and your rank

Why do they have ID's?

ID's are for identifying someone, avoiding the question "what pronouns should i use?" or "what name should i use?" and to access certain things

What are they used for?

  • Getting into your house (It is up to you wether you want to use just your ID to unlock your door, or your ID and your finger print)

  • Money storage (you can use it to buy things and sell things directly)

  • Going places or to different cities (You would use your ID to get train tickets (city owned and the main train station and to go through city limit doors)

Changing Rank, Name, and Pronouns

You can access your current rank on a computer, phone, or glasses at any time. (More about glasses coming soon!) Most people chose to update their ID once a week to fit their current rank or when they have gained a lot of ranks. To update their ID they bring it to an ID center where they take your ID and quickly print a new one. This takes around 5 minutes and is easy to do.

Changing your name and/or pronouns is easy too. When you're updating your ID you just ask the person at the ID center to change your ID name/pronouns to whatever you chose. You are allowed to put up to four names and three pronouns.

gavel Laws
Surface Rule

The main "law" is that no one is allowed to tell anyone of the "surface" about the Arctic (unless specifically told to by government official) and if they do, it is punishable by death of them and the people they've told

Train Station Guide

You are not allowed to use the main train system (This does not include city owned train stations) most of the time, to get a ticket you must talk to someone and be a certain rank (Unless it is an emergency, if it is, high rank isn't needed, ranks are described in notes) but other than that train tickets are fairly cheap to make up for the process

College Years

You are required to go to the Arctic College for at least a year to get a job

Insult Rule

There is a few laws against homophobia, racism, ect. but most of the populations doesn't have to deal with it anyway because it's less or a problem.

Children Policy

You must go through two years of "training" to have/adopt a child (If you give birth without training you will either go through training and get to see your baby during training but they will stay with a temporary family, or if you do not go through training the baby will go to a temporary family until they are adopted) (adoption is way more common and is normally the route people go to have children)

date_range History
Founding Story - How was Arctic founded?

A group of people wanted to create a safe country that is more connected to citizens and easy to navigate and join. They worked together with various politicians and other people to start their city and got some of the greatest scientists to join. Their plan was to make an open place anyone could easily join. This sort of backfired when they first moved underground. People were concerned about people from all over the world that they don't know, sitting underneath them. So Arctic became secret and began to expand as people got their friends and family to join. Scientists worked on machines to help expand more easily and create the beginnings of the long hallways in Arctic.

Established Year - When was Arctic established?

Still working on time periods, will be added soon

Why is it Secret?

  • Arctic is very different from the world and could easily be thought as bad. At first glance it's a cold city underground with lot's of rules and seems more like a business than a city.

  • People will get suspicious. The thought of having a whole country beneath your feet who stalk social media and immediately kill the people who know about Arctic and aren't supposed to, isn't very pleasant.

  • No wars. Arctic is meant to be a safer more secure place for children and people who risk danger on the "Surface". Wars, especially in a place like Arctic where running away is almost impossible, would be devastating for everyone in arctic.

Keeping Secret

As Arctic continued and expanded, they formed alliances with over governments and providing the "Surface" countries with new technology and ideas in exchange for the other countries to help keep them secret. Some countries want money instead so Arctic agreed to give them some money in exchange for keeping secret.

History Behind the Name

The reason this place is called Arctic is because:
1- It used to be very cold before they added heating systems. (This is also why jackets and coats are more common)
2- If anyone were talk about Arctic on the "surface" then most ordinary people would assume they were talking about the continent and not some secret underground city!

lock_outline Arctic Operations
What is Arctic Operations?

Arctic Operations is a group of people in Arctic who work to keep Arctic a secret and bring new people into Arctic.

What are the different types of jobs?

Fighter: These people are the ones who kill the ones who know about the Arctic and aren't supposed to, bring the new people in, and keep control over the hallways of Arctic

Researcher: These people research social media and the "surface" to find people to bring in.

Compromiser: These people are the ones to talk to the people being brought in and tell them about Arctic

Safe Keeping: These people keep files and information about everyone in Arctic and keep records of everyone

Finding new citizens

When finding new citizens they go through these steps
1- Have people look for homeless people and people in need to see if they would join
2- Look for children and kids who need a place to stay
3- Find people who need to go somewhere but don't have anywhere to go
4- Find people in danger where they are currently living

Next they go through these steps with the people

1- Find out more and see if they would want to go
2- Find out if they can go and no one would feel too suspicious or if it's anything the government can't hide
3- Ask the person if they would want to go to somewhere like the Arctic not telling them if it exists
4- Ask them if they would be able to
5- Blow their mind and tell them its real

Then if they want to go they probably won't believe you so you take them on the train to the Arctic and show them around and tell them about their new home. This process takes from a week to months

Next there is introducing the new citizen to Arctic.
1- Find a starter house for them and show them around some shops. Explain some things on how Arctic works.
2- Tell them about the college and about how it works

then after a few months of getting to know Arctic they will go to college and now they have become a citizen.

work Jobs
First things first

To get a job you have a little interview then you do a couple days of working there to see if you like it and if you will be good for the job.

Simple jobs

These jobs are the ones you can get during school and college

  • Restaurant worker (Where you help someone run a restaurant)

  • Apprentice (You work with someone who already works in a science/engineering job)

  • Shop owner (You can run a small shop, you do not get your own building)

First rank jobs

These are the jobs you can get after one year of college

Second rank jobs

These are the jobs you can get after two years of college

third rank jobs

These are the jobs you can get after three years of college

Arctic Operations

These jobs require four years of college and some special training

See Arctic Operations category for more details

Government Jobs

These jobs need four years of college and a year of preparations

  • City Governor

directions_transit Train Stations and City Limits
The Main Train Station

The Main train station is a two way train that connects to a few "Surface" train stations. It is mainly used for Arctic Operations but also partially for citizens who leave, and for important family emergencies.

City Owned Train Station

Cities are very large, so there are many trains in the cities. These trains are easy to use, and have low price tickets. To make up for cars, Arctic makes the train stations easy and accessible.

Getting a Ticket to Ride

State Trains: Tickets usually cost 1-3 units per ride, but there are annual or monthly passes that are a one time fee for the year or month. Yearly costs around 250 per year, monthly cost around 60

Main Trains: These take a lot longer to buy. You do not pay until the very end of the process.
1- You must state your reason for using the train
2- A small 2-4 minute interview about why you’re using the train
3- 1-2 days of the staff going over your records to make sure you are allowed.
4- A price of around 20-80 units
5- You get your ticket and ride.

City Limit Doors

When you reach the edge of a city, there will be a door with the next cities name on it. To go through the door you must scan your ID or use your fingerprint to go through. These doors are on all types of cities.

home Housing
First Houses

When you arrive at Arctic they put you in one of the starting houses that are built to be like a generic "surface" house.

In college you are put into a dorm room you can share or keep your own (dorms have a living room, two-one rooms one for each person, a kitchen, two-one bathrooms connected to the rooms and one storage/other room that's kinda small).

Paying for housing

First thing first, all of the houses are provided by the government, they all have their own good sides and bad sides but there is never a time you don't have access to a house

Types of houses

After college there are a few different houses you can chose from

-Small house (One room, and a bit smaller but there are more of them to chose from so living by your best friend or favorite shop is easier)

-Normal House (Three rooms, more average and still common)

-Large house (Best for larger families or groups of friends, 5 rooms, and two kitchens, its bigger in size and they are normally closer to open shopping areas)

-Family House (10 room, usually for large families or multiple families, they are normally close to the center of a town)

-Operator House (You must either be a member of the government or in arctic operations to own this house, two-three rooms and a room with computers and equipment and these houses are more in the outskirts of town or right by an arctic operations station)

business Cities and Important Places
What are the Cities?

Arctic is a large country, but instead of having states, they have cities the size of states. Most cities have populated and dense areas towards the middle and get very sparse the farther you go out. The sparse spaces in the cities is used for farming and large training areas.

Hallway Cities

The majority of cities are made up of long hallways with doors on either side, being the houses, stores, etc. When major hallways intercept, it usually becomes a larger area with a fountain, tree, or some other nature-like thing in the middle. Hallway cities also, occasionally have a second floor beneath the city. The second floor is usually only for cities with large populations.

Cave Cities

Another type of city is a cave city. These are huge cavities in the ground that usually have lots of lights sprinkled on the ceilings. These cities have houses that seem a lot like surface houses, and are seen as prettier. Not only are there regular buildings along the floor of the city, but buildings in the walls and some even from the ceiling.

Color Cities

(To be renames City Color) Every hallway city (and some cave cities) have a main color. This color can effect the tint of the lights along hallways, the walls, and even the clothes people wear.

City Government

Cities have a smaller government like the state government in America. The city government governs the building of shops, some houses, and other things. Cities cannot control Arctic Operations buildings, however. City government also has some control over the parenting program.

monetization_on Money
First things first

Blue coin (Sky coin) is one unit
Yellow coin (Sun coin) is 5 units
Green coin (Grass coin) is 20 units
Red coin (Blood coin) is 100 units
Purple coin (Royal coin) is 1,000

So the part in parenthesis is what the coin used to be called when Arctic was first started, it changed due to it being easier to just use the color, but some people (generally older) still use the other names for them.

Find Coins at Arctic Coins

How much is it worth?

One unit or one blue coin is technically worth 3.75 dollars in USD but the value of a coin can vary a lot depending on what city you're in

What if I have no money?

Volunteers work together to make restaurants that serve for free and clothes that are very cheap and when someone loses their job they can go through college again if they chose or find another job that fits them

Coin Appearance

A standard coin is a silver coin about the size of a fidget cube, maybe a little bigger. There is a band of translucent color close to the edge of the coin to represent the color. Some coins are made slightly different with the color being in the middle, but they are worth the same as the regular coins.

school Classes
wc Dorms
edit Notes
Things to Remember

Instagram: Blueberrybluejay
Wattpad: CitrusLanterns

store Hallways and Buildings

The hallways are the only way to get around besides the train station.


Since people need the sunlight to live, Arctic has lights on the ceiling that run across hallways and sometimes they are in houses and other buildings. They use things to give plants the sunlight they need as well with larger, brighter lights.

The brightness of the lights can depend on the city as well. In some cities it will be warmer and brighter and in some they might be darker and colder.


In a building there are two types of windows:
- Windows that connect to the hallways to see outside the building
- Windows that are a screen behind glass to replicate looking outside on the "Surface"

Climate - What is the climate like in Arctic?

Underground it can get cold. You have no sun to keep you warm. To provide a livable climate in Arctic, they have installed heaters and air conditioning through out the hallways and houses. To replicate the "Surface" they make it colder at night and warmer during the day.

Since this does not fix everything and the Arctic is still far colder than the surface, jackets and coats are sold very openly and cheap. People are encouraged to make their own jacket designs and ideas.

To make it easier to live, they have a better heating and air conditioning system in houses and buildings that people will spend lots of time in, or places you wouldn't want to be wearing a jacket all the time in.

Weather and Seasons

As for weather, there are a small amount of places where they replicate the rain at certain times and maybe some thunder just for the citizens to have fun in. Some cities like to change the lights on the ceilings slowly to replicate time passing and some like to change it for a bit to replicate the clouds passing by.

For seasons, most cities do not change anything. Calendars are easily accessible but during December some cities like to add fake snow in town center areas.

accessibility_new Uniforms
wc Clothing

When you’re walking around Arctic, you would usually find people wearing a lot of light, unsaturated blues, greys, and whites, with a little bit of dark blue and black. Most of the clothing is made in this color scheme. But in wealthier towns the color range is a lot wider.

Due to the Arctic being colder, coats, and jackets are far more common in every day clothing. Almost everybody owns a few coats, and they are required for certain jobs like Guard, or for anyone in the Operations

Since going to places late night, and hanging out with friends after dark is more common, the average sleepwear is usually a long sleeve shirt, and light pants, sometimes paired with a jacket. It’s very common for people to work at night time, while it’s darker, so some people have nicer sleepwear.

theaters Entertainment and Everyday

This location was created by Martyn on Notebook.ai.

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