info Overview
Name - What is Grand Storiam’s full name?

Grand Storiam

Type - What type of location is Grand Storiam?


Description - Describe Grand Storiam.

The capital of the new world

face Culture
Population - What is Grand Storiam’s population?


Currency - What currencies are used in Grand Storiam?

Nodes (N.O)

business Cities
map Geography
Area - What kind of area is Grand Storiam in?

Located in the great plains.

Crops - What crops does Grand Storiam produce?

All sorts.

Located at - Where is Grand Storiam located?

The mouth of the Big Sad.

date_range History
Founding Story - How was Grand Storiam founded?

Built as the seat of the Contest winners.

Established Year - When was Grand Storiam established?

04 AS

edit Notes

This location was created by YD on

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