info Overview
Name - What is wodun’s full name?


Description - Describe wodun.

A Wodan is the religious building for the religion name

It is a octagon-like building, with multiple rooms. Most bed-rooms are upstairs, and downstairs there's a storage room for the food they grow.
After a bit, Basil has to start sleeping downstairs.

In the middle of the building, there is kind of a glass dome. Imagine a Mosque with a big dome, but then made of clear glass.

The windows in the bedroom have a bit of stained-glass. Mostly blue and purple colours, which looks pretty on the floor when the sun shines on the windows.

Amount of rooms

6 bedrooms, one storageroom, the kitchen, living room, the garden/veranda

face Culture
Population - What is wodun’s population?

At the starts of the story, Peer (m), Basil (m), Edda (f), Thora (f) and Ra (m)

Later on Roman (non-binary) and Fitz (m) join


Basic house-rules

Everyone cooks one day of the week;
Anyone who feels like it- Friday
Take-out- Saturday
Basil- Sunday

Vacuming on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday

map Geography
Area - What kind of area is wodun in?

lot of grass-land surrounding the Wodun, then a small wood on the way to the city Keve.
No big rivers or oceans nearby. Just a small lake with rocks surrounding it. A lot of teenagers/young adults hang out there.

Climate - What is the climate like in wodun?

warm maritime climate. Kind of constant temperatures, lots of rain. Harsh winds during autumn.

Located at - Where is wodun located?

About a fifteen minute car-drive from the big city Keve, which is where the hospital and the resident's jobs are.

Crops - What crops does wodun produce?

-Peppers, all kinds. Bell/sweet peppers, and purple hot peppers.
-Potatoes, those small ones with the red skin
-Green beans on poles
-Lots of tomato varieties
-Beets, yellows and reds
-Carrots, also in a variety of colours. Favourite are the purple ones
-lots of herbs like mints, rosemary, thyme, celery etc
- Red onions and spring onions
-A gooseberry bush
-A red current bush
-Sunflowers (they roast and eat the seeds)
-Strawberries of course


Peer's (he/him) room

light-blue walls with tiny black and white tiles (2inch-tiles)
The cat (Ronja, he/him) stays a lot at Peer's room, so he has a small cat-bed and a cardboard box.
Broken white-duvet and pillow covers, but also has a silk pillow cover that's bright yellow.

Poster with butterflies on his wall, and a few bookshelves on the wall.

Has his clothes in those plastic rolling boxes under his bed.
Has three bookshelves on the wall with the window, he keeps all his mugs and his teas which are in a tin box


Basil's (he/him) first bedroom, before amputation)

Light-pink walls, the colour calms him down. See through curtains.
Has a mosquito net over his bed, but mostly for the aesthetic.
White duvet, but he puts a pink one on sometimes, and a lot of pillows.
Got a basil-plant as a joke on his birthday, but he keeps it in his room and it's thriving.

Has a sideboard thingy as his closet, it's white.


Edda's (she/her) room

Lipsticks and earrings everywhere. Dried flowers hanging on her ceiling.
Would love to have a tree in her room if she could.
Wooden bed on which she painted small strawberries. Green-ish duvet and white linen curtains

Big white closet with a mirror.


Thora's (she/her) room

Pink metal rolling cart, checkered duvet with pink and white.
Knitted yellow blanket with white hearts on it.
Yellow curtains and two bookcases.
Big wooden desk with a mirror in front of it, like a make-up stand. Probably has all the emaille mugs in her room.
A light string with small balls around her room.


Ra's (he/him) room

Lots of sketchbooks, books with art-references and books on animals. Tattoo-artist, so has a lot of drawing-mediums and stuff for inspiration.
Has a blue 'Punch nazi's' flag hanging in his room.
Has an open closet with everything is neatly folded, since it's on display.
lightbrown duvet and dark blue light-blocking curtains.


Basil's (he/him) second room, after amputation

Same bed, with the mosquito net. Has a soft rug.
The bed now stands in the middle of the room, with the headboard against the wall, so it's more accessible.
Peer or one of the others makes sure there's always flowers in his room.
The wheelchair stands next to the bed, later there's a sturdy chair and side-table to help him put on his prosthetic.
The room is really light and he can look over the garden.


lots of wooden and emaille cups, greenish plates.
Big pans and a huge fridge.
mango-wood counter, which Edda decided on. She's absolutely in love with it.
White cabinets, though Basil kind of wants to paint them light blue.
They often eat there, so there's a big table. But they also often eat on the veranda or in the grass, depending on the weather.

below the building

There's the glass dome, and precisely from the centre of the dome to the floor, there's a hatch. They usually keep the cowskin Thora enhireted on it and a small coffee table.
The hatch leads to a couple of rooms below, they were used for storing wine and such.
As the rebellion started, they started slowly buying second-hand furniture (cheap and in cash so the government wouldn't get suspicious) to fill those rooms, in case people needed a place to stay.


A lot of shelving units filled with pots and bottles.
Mostly meant for food storage, but there's also a medical kit and after a while, they store Basil's wheelchair there.
It's dark and cold.


The living room is placed under the glass dome, so the light is amazing. There's two comfy chunky chairs and two sofa's big enough to sleep on.
The sofa's are both bright yellow, as the residents all love bright colours.
All the walls in the livingroom are white and you can look into the kitchen from there.

book History
Founding Story - How was wodun founded?

A Wodun is a religious building, from a religion that came up after Christianity fell. That religion fell quite soon though, leaving a lot of church-like Woduns behind.
Most of them are torn down, but there are still a few spread through the country.

Edda had the offer to buy the land with the intention to build her tiny house on it.
Instead she and her friends renovated the Wodan, since it wasn't that much work and they all chipped in.

Notable Wars - What notable wars has wodun been involved in?

more a rebellion really, but the government is very anti-queer and has started to target lgbtaq+ people and victim blaming a lot.
A lot of lgbtaq+ went back into the closet for safety, but after a string of hate-crimes people started standing up.
Basil, who lost his leg (below knee amputation) in a hate crime, started letting people the government was searching for into the house. They stayed below the house for safety.

The group of friends often went to protests when Basil was fully healed. They would often meet people there who were kicked out and frantically looking for a safe place to stay.

Especially the cops were bad, cards were made with the word 'Death' and a police car on it. Kind of like tarot-style card, for your conceptualization.

I think I'm kind of going to make this rebellion/riot a kind of Stonewall situation; lgbtaq+ people getting tired of all the hate and starting to fight back for more rights and basic respect.

history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Surroundings
folder_open bedroom2
folder_open bedroom3
folder_open bedroom4
folder_open bedroom5
folder_open storageroom
folder_open below the building
folder_open kitchen
folder_open living room

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