info Overview
Name - What is poison ice ’s full name?

poison ice

Type - What type of location is poison ice ?

Floating island

Description - Describe poison ice .

has a lot of snow, fire, mountains, forest, fog, stones

face Culture
Language - What languages are spoken in poison ice ?


Currency - What currencies are used in poison ice ?

it has $ 20,133465967

Laws - What are the laws in poison ice ?

no battling and now stealing

Sports - What sports are played in poison ice ?

soccer volleyball basketball

business Cities
map Geography
date_range History
Founding Story - How was poison ice founded?

it was founded by the first dragon

Established Year - When was poison ice established?

in 1987

Notable Wars - What notable wars has poison ice been involved in?

the war that happens in poison ice was humans vs dragons but now there friends

edit Notes
Character chevron_right Birthplace link linked poison ice

This location was created by josiah hickle on

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