info Overview
Name - What is Talis’s full name?


Type - What type of location is Talis?


Description - Describe Talis.

Large continent dominated by the Torian Empire

face Culture
Language - What languages are spoken in Talis?

Imperial, Nagan, Old Elvish

Population - What is Talis’s population?


Currency - What currencies are used in Talis?

Crowns(Imperial) Scales(Nagan)

Motto - What is Talis’s motto?


business Cities
map Geography
Crops - What crops does Talis produce?

All types of crops found on Earth, as well as some unique "luxury" crops

Located at - Where is Talis located?

Talis is a long way southeast of Mulfr, and a short ways northwest of Shansas

date_range History
Founding Story - How was Talis founded?

Humans from Shansas landed in present day Damhud, and spread towards the north. Eventually there were four Human nations on Talis. The most central one, Toria, conquered the other human nations of Tendas, Andek, and Damhud. Eventually they pushed east to the Elven nations of Moltir and Indiora. The Torian Empire was never able to spread to the nation of the Naga in the far south due to the fact the humans had an immense fear of them.

edit Notes

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