info Overview
Name - What is Crone's Watch’s full name?

Crone's Watch

Type - What type of location is Crone's Watch?


Description - Describe Crone's Watch.

This lair is located to the east atop a small badlands plateau, a small climb (or fly) from the desert below over and around popcorn rock and crumbling terrain. Outside here there are makeshift tents and structures built from bleached bone and sparse lumber, alongside sun bleached hides from all sort of creatures. It would almost appear more like a barbarian tribal camp than a witch coven, if not for the arcane drawings in chalk and blood in the center of the outside camp. In the mountainside, there is a passage into a small magically excavated hold, where other reagents and various books are kept.

Candles made from strange waxes, in strange colors, producing strange smells light the lair, and sit atop carved bone candle stands outside. Bloody drawings line the cave walls, and outside the mountainous entrance.

Farther within, there is a way to reach an upper chamber with a large open air window carved into the western face of the room. It is from this chamber that the elder crone watches from.
Rumors of all sorts circulate about the coven, though little is properly known. Some say the elder crone can see the future, others say they will grant you a wish in exchange for a newborn baby, who they either sacrifice or convert into one of their own.

The witches here are not young and beautiful as newer lore may suggest, but are old, wrinkled in the sun with thin wisps of black hair clinging to their freckled forms. They are witches of an older sort, desert witches who were once advisors to the primitive lords of the land before they were cast out to live alone in the dust.

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This location was created by John Skoda on

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