info Overview
Name - What is Live kingdom’s full name?

Live kingdom

Type - What type of location is Live kingdom?

kingdom of about 38,000 (well now its 19,000)

Description - Describe Live kingdom.

its a Kingdom

face Culture
Language - What languages are spoken in Live kingdom?

english, sign language

Population - What is Live kingdom’s population?

38,000 (well now its 19,000)

Currency - What currencies are used in Live kingdom?

normal dollars and bills

Motto - What is Live kingdom’s motto?

You only live here once don't waste your life

Laws - What are the laws in Live kingdom?


Sports - What sports are played in Live kingdom?

Rugby with smoke grenade, Basketball well an armed robot is trying to kill you and football

business Cities
map Geography
Area - What kind of area is Live kingdom in?

in the corner on grassy fields

Crops - What crops does Live kingdom produce?


Located at - Where is Live kingdom located?

right top corner

date_range History
Founding Story - How was Live kingdom founded?

A space traveler named Obilia Arnector was the first person not from the world to enter in time more and more people came and they decided to start to build a kingdom. Obilia traveled to the Light lands and shadow lands two ask permission to build a kingdom in their land. They said yes and thanked him for asking so in the top right corner of the world they built the live kingdom

Established Year - When was Live kingdom established?


Notable Wars - What notable wars has Live kingdom been involved in?

only two against the crystal kingdom

edit Notes

on every house is a long meddle pole. In the middle of the kingdom is a large tower that shoots electric lasers at every pole (not real lasers) creating electricity.

Character chevron_right Birthplace link linked Live kingdom

This location was created by kalebclint on

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