info Overview
Name - What is The Village of Elnson’s full name?

The Village of Elnson

Type - What type of location is The Village of Elnson?

Small baronial village.

Description - Describe The Village of Elnson.

There are about twenty small houses surrounding a circular community plot, where people have gardens and wells. There is a blacksmith, a city hall, a marketplace, and a church. Off in the woods, there is a castle, where the baron lives.

face Culture
Language - What languages are spoken in The Village of Elnson?

English and Elvish

Population - What is The Village of Elnson’s population?


Currency - What currencies are used in The Village of Elnson?

Golden Drians

Motto - What is The Village of Elnson’s motto?

Ensto es Wanim

(Elvish for "In the Moment.")

Laws - What are the laws in The Village of Elnson?

There aren't really laws. The village is small and well-hidden, so not many people know of it. People just behave.

Sports - What sports are played in The Village of Elnson?

Skem Ball: Skimming stones over water trying to hit different targets.

business Cities
map Geography
Area - What kind of area is The Village of Elnson in?

A forested area.

Crops - What crops does The Village of Elnson produce?

Speed fruit and mangos

Located at - Where is The Village of Elnson located?

Endion, in the Deep Forest

Climate - What is the climate like in The Village of Elnson?


date_range History
Founding Story - How was The Village of Elnson founded?

A group of pilgrims became lost in the Deep Forest. They eventually settled down, and The Village of Elnson was created.

Established Year - When was The Village of Elnson established?

45 of the year of the reign of Elmsore

Notable Wars - What notable wars has The Village of Elnson been involved in?

There have been no wars.

edit Notes

This location was created by Corbin/Coral on

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