info Overview
Name - What is Traveller's Pub & Inn!’s full name?

Traveller's Pub & Inn!

Type - What type of location is Traveller's Pub & Inn!?

It's a pretty self explanatory title.

Description - Describe Traveller's Pub & Inn!.

Argh, Welcome to The Traveller's Pub and Inn! It's a Pub and an Inn!

face Culture
Language - What languages are spoken in Traveller's Pub & Inn!?

Depends on the people who enter the Traveller's Pub & Inn.

Population - What is Traveller's Pub & Inn!’s population?

Not population, as much as current guests staying. It varies frequently.

Currency - What currencies are used in Traveller's Pub & Inn!?

Any treasure you can pay with.

Motto - What is Traveller's Pub & Inn!’s motto?

Welcome to The Traveller's Pub & Inn! Sleep all day and drink all night! You're all welcome here!

Laws - What are the laws in Traveller's Pub & Inn!?

There are none. Fight if ya wish, even steal, but if you get killed it ain't our fault.

Sports - What sports are played in Traveller's Pub & Inn!?


business Cities
map Geography
date_range History
Founding Story - How was Traveller's Pub & Inn! founded?

Founded by Clark Aerie and owned by Bub Aerie, Clark Aerie's great, great grandson.

Notable Wars - What notable wars has Traveller's Pub & Inn! been involved in?

Currently ignoring every battle.

edit Notes

Here is where our story will begin, the fabulous Traveller's Pub & Inn!


This location was created by Alex on

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