info Overview
Name - What is Breigh, New York’s full name?

Breigh, New York

Type - What type of location is Breigh, New York?

It's a town, I guess.

Description - Describe Breigh, New York.

A small town on the corner of nothing and nowhere.

face Culture
Motto - What is Breigh, New York’s motto?

Be careful, for it's your duty.

Sports - What sports are played in Breigh, New York?

Nothing. There aren't enough people, really.

Laws - What are the laws in Breigh, New York?

Basically any rule in a small town on Earth you'll find in most cities in Bryer, including Breigh.

Currency - What currencies are used in Breigh, New York?

US Dollars

Population - What is Breigh, New York’s population?

About 3,000

Language - What languages are spoken in Breigh, New York?

English, French

business Cities
map Geography
Climate - What is the climate like in Breigh, New York?

It's mild.

Located at - Where is Breigh, New York located?

"Go to the corner of Sweet Corn and Cornfield, then make a left."

It's where Northwest Indiana'd on an Earth Map.

Crops - What crops does Breigh, New York produce?


Area - What kind of area is Breigh, New York in?


date_range History
Founding Story - How was Breigh, New York founded?

Blah blah farmers blah blah blahdeblah TOWN!

Established Year - When was Breigh, New York established?


Notable Wars - What notable wars has Breigh, New York been involved in?

Breigh is like Switzerland and zero: it's neutral.

history Changelog
edit Notes

New York is not where you think it is. New York is where Indiana'd be. This is not Earth, this is Bryer.


This location was created by team mezzo :) on

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