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- {:area=>"What kind of area is %{name} in?", :climate=>"What is the climate like in %{name}?", :crops=>"What crops does %{name} produce?", :currency=>"What currencies are used in %{name}?", :established_year=>"When was %{name} established?", :founding_story=>"How was %{name} founded?", :language=>"What languages are spoken in %{name}?", :laws=>"What are the laws in %{name}?", :located_at=>"Where is %{name} located?", :motto=>"What is %{name}’s motto?", :notable_wars=>"What notable wars has %{name} been involved in?", :population=>"What is %{name}’s population?", :sports=>"What sports are played in %{name}?", :type=>"What type of location is %{name}?", :description=>"Describe %{name}.", :name=>"What is %{name}’s full name?"}

Based off of a 'Melting Pot' or 'Salad Bowl' idea

Food: Everything - largest organized city, importing all goods - massive market place
Drink: Everything
Music: Everything - using all instruments into a choir orchestra
Building: Stone homes, temporary houses for merchants on the outskirts of the main city, barracks for the soldiers and outside workers. Each Kuvan leader lives inside his own mountain with Sor'Ryn in the middle as the unspoken leader.
Clothes: Mixture of all cultures however, different hierarchy will wear different clothes and/or depending on the job one has.
Warriors: Largest military group, with different division specializing in different tactics.
1)Scouting/rescue - Sor'Ryn 2) Recon/stealth - Ry'Den 3)Force - A'xon 4)Army - different kuvans
The 4th division is comprised of other Kuvan/groups coming to train(must serve 7 years) - most stay in the army, others stay as ambassadors for the new recruits and some return to their Kuvans.
Government: Led by the 3 Kings together although Sor'Ryn has the final decision regarding issues.
Beliefs: They believe that the Great Dragon was flying and its feathers fell into the sea creating islands. They take their Death Stones and send it to the Forbidden Island, then its thrown around the Island in the sea - looks like jewels in the water. ***this may change

Scene chevron_right Locations in scene link linked Mountain/jungle - Daj'Netir

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