info Overview
Name - What is The Obsidian Plague Vile’s full name?

The Obsidian Plague Vile

Item Type - What type of item is The Obsidian Plague Vile?

Vial with a Plague in it

Description - Describe The Obsidian Plague Vile.

The vial is a small glass container that is about a 15 mL, 21 x 70 mm -(6) vial with a red liquid in it. The Liquid is the blood of a carrier of an underknown illness.

redeem Looks
Materials - What is The Obsidian Plague Vile made out of?

Glass with a copper top. Markings in the Glass

Weight - How much does The Obsidian Plague Vile weigh?

1 Lb

date_range History
Year it was made - When was The Obsidian Plague Vile made?


flash_on Abilities
Magical effects - What kind of magic does The Obsidian Plague Vile possess?

Doesn't have any Magical Effect. Anyone can open it and Anyone can die from it.

edit Notes


The Obsidian Plague Vile is included in the following collections
The Armory by @andrew
emoji_events router drive_eta

This item was created by Haïta the Shepherd on

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