info Overview
Name - What is Athena (Robot)’s full name?

Athena (Robot)

Item Type - What type of item is Athena (Robot)?


Description - Describe Athena (Robot).

A large robot, built and remotely piloted by Min from the Crusaders' HQ

redeem Looks

A large humanoid robot styled after the goddess Athena and a hoplite, from Ancient Greek military, with a dome-shaped head that has the face of an owl -- taking after the "Owl of Athena" -- and foldable wings with thrusters to enable it to fly

Materials - What is Athena (Robot) made out of?


date_range History
Year it was made - When was Athena (Robot) made?


flash_on Abilities
edit Notes

  • Can fold its wings into shields

Athena (Robot) is included in the following collections
Robots and Other Tech by @furetakunai
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This item was created by Nathan U. on

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