info Overview
Name - What is The Keeper’s full name?

The Keeper

Item Type - What type of item is The Keeper?

The Keeper is a book that holds Abledore the sorcerer prisoner.

Description - Describe The Keeper.

The Keeper is a large book with the symbol of Abledore which is a golden David's star. The book is bound in brown cracked leather.

redeem Looks
Weight - How much does The Keeper weigh?

About fifteen pounds

Materials - What is The Keeper made out of?

Papyrus paper and cracked leather, bound together with silver on the ridge.

book History
Year it was made - When was The Keeper made?

Around 1200 B.C.

flash_on Abilities
Magical effects - What kind of magic does The Keeper possess?

The Keeper can suck people into it and hold people prisoner, and it can randomly but that power on other books throughout the Library and the only way to get out is to survive the story.

history Changelog
edit Notes

This is important. The Keeper is not a book of facts or stories, rather, it is both. And it was made specifically to trap Abledore, but the book itself is morally good and does not want to harm anyone, thus the reason it trapped people in the Library to save Abledore.


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