info Overview
Name - What's the name of Unified Front?

Unified Front

Description - How would you describe Unified Front?

Kindness is Freedom

view_list Structure
Power Source - Where does Unified Front's source of power come from?

Good leadership and admiration by the people.

Power Structure - How is Unified Front's power structured? How is it organized? Who has what powers?

The Crowned Ones hold much of the power in making decisions, but they get opinions monthly from those they rule.

Type Of Government - What type of government is Unified Front?

A polyarchy, like a kingdom or monarchy, but with multiple children being the head

Checks And Balances - What checks and balances does Unified Front have in place?

The People are listened to and obeyed, and if they disagree, they can vote to take down the current establishment and create a new one, as long as there is a 95% or more majority.

cloud Ideologies
Sociopolitical - What sociopolitical ideologies does Unified Front hold?

Everyone's voice can and will be heard, no matter if it's not immediately.

Socioeconomical - What socioeconomical ideologies does Unified Front hold?

Everyone should be able to live, so there is no real currency. You are free to create what home you need, and barter for what is missing from it.

Geocultural - What geocultural ideologies does Unified Front hold?

Protect the land and nature, any harm that comes to it will be heard

Privacy Ideologies - What does Unified Front think about privacy?

Everyone should have what they need to be private, but committing horrible crimes takes that away.

Immigration - What immigration policies and ideologies does Unified Front hold?

Those wishing to join in the cities are welcome, though the government may not always protect you if you are running from crimes.

Laws - What are the laws of Unified Front?

Be kind, do not harm.
If you rape someone, it's a death sentence.
If you kill someone in cold-blood, it's up to 500 years in jail.
Zero tolerance for most things to do with harming others.

gavel Process
Criminal System - What is Unified Front's criminal system like?

Zero tolerance, prisons hold many for decades, though keeping things humane. The prisoners are watched, making most uncomfortable enough that the will not commit crimes that will end up with them losing privacy.

Electoral Process - What is the electoral process of Unified Front?

The people can vote any time to change who is in power, sending the ballots through electronic medium to the scorekeepers of the Crown.

Term Lengths - What are the term lengths for people in Unified Front?

Life terms, until you pass it down to your children, or until you are impeached.

visibility Populace
Civilian Life - What is civilian life like for the people ruled by Unified Front?

Rather unaffected. Everyone is free to do what they want, so long as they are not harming others.

International Relations - What do international governments think about Unified Front? How are their relations?

The Polyarchy is a Peacemaker nation, and most know that if you manage to piss them off, you have done something horribly inhumane.

Approval Ratings - What do the people think of Unified Front? What are their approval ratings?

Many approve of the Crown currently, it fluctuates depending on what policies happen.

group Members
Airforce - What does Unified Front's airforce look like?

Dragon and Wyvern Riders, lead by Nocturna Sinla, with heavy use of Magic and Rangers.

Navy - What does Unified Front's navy look like?

Run by Emerald Corona, on wooden warships with heavy positive ties to the Sirens.

Military - What does Unified Front's military look like?

A Ranged Force, an Air Force, a Naval Force, and a Melee Force

timeline History
Founding Story - How was Unified Front created? What is its founding story?

The Elven Constitutionality had been dismantled by the Sticks and Stones, with the help of the Silkworms, who agreed the SaS could lead if there was constant backing by the people.

Notable Wars - What notable wars throughout history has Unified Front been involved in?

Elven Rebellion, Human-Maelan War

Flag Design Story - How was Unified Front's flag designed?

Based on the 16 Species, and their connection and protection under the Unified Front.

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history Changelog
edit Notes

This government was created by Paxley O'Phinney on

See more from Paxley O'Phinney
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