info Overview
Name - What is Csilla's name?


Description - How would you describe Csilla?

Goddess of the moon and stars.

Other Names - What other names is Csilla known by?

Goddess of the night.

accessibility Appearance
Physical Description - How would you describe what Csilla looks like physically?

Dark skin, pale hair. One dark brown eye and one pale eye.

Height - How tall is Csilla?


Weight - How much does Csilla weigh?


supervisor_account Family
thumbs_up_down Symbolism
Symbols - What symbols are commonly associated with Csilla?

Moon, stars, night, bats.

Elements - What elements are commonly associated with Csilla?

Fire (Moonfire), earth, wind, ice.

grade Powers
Strengths - What are Csilla's strengths?

Moonfire controls the night and darkness. Draws strength from the stars and moon. Considered goddess of night.

Weaknesses - What are Csilla's weaknesses?

Fire, iron, the sun.

import_contacts Rituals
Prayers - What prayers are commonly associated with Csilla? How do followers pray?

Prayers of full moons and clear night skies, prayers of safety in the night, prayers of guidance.

Rituals - What rituals are commonly associated with Csilla? How do they work?

Full moon rituals, rituals to speak with her or honor her. Meditation with lighted candles and spoken affirmation.

Traditions - What traditions are commonly associated with Csilla?

Those who worship Csilla honor her during the winter months with revelries in her honor as well as offerings.

Human Interaction - How often does Csilla interact with their followers? In what ways?

She does not interact with humans often. Full moons are when her connection to the human world are at their strongest. She has blessed very few humans with her power of Moonfire.

date_range History
edit Notes

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