info Overview
Name - What is Cannenta's name?


Description - How would you describe Cannenta?

Goddess of healing and of youth.

Other Names - What other names is Cannenta known by?

Goddess of the healers.

accessibility Appearance
Physical Description - How would you describe what Cannenta looks like physically?

She has a young and beautiful appearance. Her voice is that of feathers and light. She has a kind face.

Height - How tall is Cannenta?


Weight - How much does Cannenta weigh?


supervisor_account Family
thumbs_up_down Symbolism
Symbols - What symbols are commonly associated with Cannenta?

Does, cotton, children, light, herbs, spring.

Elements - What elements are commonly associated with Cannenta?


grade Powers
Strengths - What are Cannenta's strengths?


Weaknesses - What are Cannenta's weaknesses?

She has a soft spot for children, other deities consider it to be her weakness. She's kinder than she should be for a goddess. She has a soft spot for the sick.

import_contacts Rituals
Prayers - What prayers are commonly associated with Cannenta? How do followers pray?

Prayers for healing and for youthfulness.

Rituals - What rituals are commonly associated with Cannenta? How do they work?

Those who worship Cannenta are usually healers. Those who participate in rituals usually use things like herbs and sage to do so. Rituals are usually for protection, recovery, and healing.

Traditions - What traditions are commonly associated with Cannenta?

They celebrate the coming of spring and honor her while doing so.

Human Interaction - How often does Cannenta interact with their followers? In what ways?

Her human interaction goes as far as small nudges in the right direction. Healers are considered her children, so she usually looks out for the Fae and healers. Humans with healing powers are closer to Cannenta as they are considered to be blessed by her magic, they worship her primarily. But the Fae worship Aiyanna, so Canneta does not interact with them often. She has put her power of healing into a few bloodlines, and that is considered her human interaction.

date_range History
edit Notes
Deity chevron_right Siblings link linked Cannenta

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