info Overview
Name - What's the name of this country?


Description - How would you describe Vivaciann?

Though the smallest in sheer land area, it has the second-highest population and the best economic condition of all the kingdoms, having a bustling tourism industry, and having many exotic exports.

location_on Points of interest
face Culture
Currency - What currency is used in Vivaciann?

Vivaciann Dollar

Population - What is the population of Vivaciann?

115 million

terrain Geography

Sand Drakes
Water Horses
Sky Serpents
Giant and normal-sized birds
Different kinds of wild canine species
Multiple kinds of livestock

Crops - What crops does Vivaciann import or export?


Climate - What is the climate like in Vivaciann?

Arid and barren anywhere that isn't within 20 miles of the magic Sagecrystal Bay. Within those 20 miles, the climate is a lot more temperate and suitable for life.

timeline History
Founding story - How was Vivaciann founded?

Vivaciann was the second kingdom to be founded. The kingdom, now-famous for its beautiful beaches and amazing nightlife, was founded by dozens of nomadic clans on the banks of Sagecrystal Bay, a fertile area in the largest desert in Meladina.

Notable wars - What notable wars has Vivaciann participated in?

200 Years Demon War
Nightmare Outbreak War
Second Celestial Conflict

Established year - When was Vivaciann founded?

42nd Year of The 1st Age

history Changelog
edit Notes

This country was created by Oz Bravo on

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