info Overview
Name - What's the name of this country?


Description - How would you describe Faralia?

Comprised mostly of vast deserts, Faralia is the smallest of the five nations.

location_on Points of interest
face Culture
Population - What is the population of Faralia?

Due to it's small size and large expanses of desert lands, Faralia does not boast a a large or dense population. It is the least populated of the Five Nations, with most of it's largest cities lying along the coast.

Currency - What currency is used in Faralia?

The official currency is the Faralian Drahr. Nation coins are also accepted, however Faralians are more lenient with currencies from the other nations and most places will accept other currencies.

terrain Geography
Climate - What is the climate like in Faralia?

Very hot, and very dry. Rain is very scarce in Faralia, especially in the interior desert areas.

timeline History
Founding story - How was Faralia founded?

According to legend, the Five Nations were founded by five brothers. Each brother took his a parcel of land on which he founded one of the Five Nations. Knowing that the land on which Faralia now sits on was the least desirable (due to its small size and lack of good land to farm on), the Faralian brother knew that if one of his brothers had this parcel of land he would be unhappy and likely try to invade the other nations. As such, he claimed the small parcel of land to found his kingdom to prevent any feuds from breaking out between the brothers.

Even to this day, Faralians are still known to be a very peaceful people, who rarely instigate or engage in conflict.

history Changelog
edit Notes

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