info Overview
Name - What is Noah Stacey Dylan Tolsa’s full name?

Noah Stacey Dylan Tolsa

Role - What is Noah Stacey Dylan Tolsa’s role in your story?

Main character

Other names - What other aliases does Noah Stacey Dylan Tolsa go by?

Noah owo

Gender - What is Noah Stacey Dylan Tolsa’s gender?

Trans male

Age - How old is Noah Stacey Dylan Tolsa?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Noah Stacey Dylan Tolsa weigh?


Height - How tall is Noah Stacey Dylan Tolsa?


Hair Color - What color is Noah Stacey Dylan Tolsa’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Noah Stacey Dylan Tolsa style their hair?

Short ish curly

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Noah Stacey Dylan Tolsa have?

Nah he cant

Eye Color - What is Noah Stacey Dylan Tolsa’s eye color?


Race - What is Noah Stacey Dylan Tolsa’s race?


Skin Tone


Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Noah Stacey Dylan Tolsa have?

his body type and his glasses he wears all the time because he's too scared to try contacts

fingerprint Nature

Something about his lungs

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Noah Stacey Dylan Tolsa practice?


Politics - What politics does Noah Stacey Dylan Tolsa have?

Not discussed in story so idk

Occupation - What is Noah Stacey Dylan Tolsa’s occupation?


Favorite color - What is Noah Stacey Dylan Tolsa’s favorite color?

Green and blue

Favorite food - What is Noah Stacey Dylan Tolsa’s favorite food?

Uhhh idk

Favorite possession - What is Noah Stacey Dylan Tolsa’s favorite possession?

Hmm I’ll have to come back to this

Favorite weapon - What is Noah Stacey Dylan Tolsa’s favorite weapon?

A gun probably

Favorite animal - What is Noah Stacey Dylan Tolsa’s favorite animal?

He doesn’t like the,

Job - What job does Noah Stacey Dylan Tolsa have?


date_range History
Birthday - When is Noah Stacey Dylan Tolsa’s birthday?

Sep 21 1994

Education - What is Noah Stacey Dylan Tolsa’s level of education?

Went to teaching college can teach if he wanted to try hard enough

Background - What is Noah Stacey Dylan Tolsa’s background?

Uh raised terriblely

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
Item chevron_right Original Owners link linked Noah Stacey Dylan Tolsa

Character chevron_right Children link linked Noah Stacey Dylan Tolsa

Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Noah Stacey Dylan Tolsa

This character was created by Martyn on

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