info Overview
Name - What is Frey and Fjord meibion Vakr ’s full name?

Frey and Fjord meibion Vakr

Age - How old is Frey and Fjord meibion Vakr ?

Both are 20, they are identical twins.

Gender - What is Frey and Fjord meibion Vakr ’s gender?


Pronouns are: He/They for them both.

Other names - What other aliases does Frey and Fjord meibion Vakr go by?

Twins of the Spear, Sons of __, Sons of Vakr
Keepers Frey and Fjord sons of Vakr, Paladins of __

Some have called them Twink #1 and Twink #2 behind their backs, even if it was said to their faces they wouldn't care because they could probably insult that person twice as brutally.

Role - What is Frey and Fjord meibion Vakr ’s role in your story?

The Hoe Friends

The Flirts

(comedic relief)

face Looks
Eye Color - What is Frey and Fjord meibion Vakr ’s eye color?

It is rare, but both twins have heterochromia. The boys have their eyes reversed.

Frey: Left eye Blue, Right eye Green
Fjord: Left eye Green, Right eye Blue

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Frey and Fjord meibion Vakr have?

None for either

Hair Style - How does Frey and Fjord meibion Vakr style their hair?

Short, wavy.

The boys both have similar hair styles, their hair is cute, somewhat long on the top but still short. They can style it to the side or over their faces somewhat.

(to be less elegant, they kinda have fuck boy hair but like... cute)

Hair Color - What color is Frey and Fjord meibion Vakr ’s hair?

Dark Brown.

Height - How tall is Frey and Fjord meibion Vakr ?

They are both about 6'5

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edit Notes

They are Paladins at the time Pike is in power.


This character was created by Sophie on

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