info Overview
Name - What is Adisa Nadia Jansen-Mora’s full name?

Adisa Nadia Jansen-Mora

Role - What is Adisa Nadia Jansen-Mora’s role in your story?

Main Character

Other names - What other aliases does Adisa Nadia Jansen-Mora go by?

Princesa, Di, Mija

Gender - What is Adisa Nadia Jansen-Mora’s gender?


Age - How old is Adisa Nadia Jansen-Mora?






face Looks
Height - How tall is Adisa Nadia Jansen-Mora?


Hair Color - What color is Adisa Nadia Jansen-Mora’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Adisa Nadia Jansen-Mora style their hair?

Straightened usually, armpit length, naturally wavy

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Adisa Nadia Jansen-Mora have?


Eye Color - What is Adisa Nadia Jansen-Mora’s eye color?

Chocolate brown

Race - What is Adisa Nadia Jansen-Mora’s race?

half Costa Rican, half Dutch

Skin Tone

light brown, she tans well but doesn't spend all that much time outside

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Adisa Nadia Jansen-Mora have?

heart birthmark on her left wrist

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Adisa Nadia Jansen-Mora have?

ticks and fidgeting, doesn't go anywhere without the necklace her dad bought her and gave to her right before he died. she tends to fidget with that, any other jewelry she may have on, her hair, or anything else. has anxiety and gets panic attacks. tends to pace, restless.

Motivations - What motivates Adisa Nadia Jansen-Mora most?

love for her dad and best friend and the human race altogether. she wants the world to be a better place.

Flaws - What flaws does Adisa Nadia Jansen-Mora have?

if you consider restlessness and impatience a flaw, then those. also insecurity at times, abandonment/trust issues

Prejudices - What prejudices does Adisa Nadia Jansen-Mora have?

none really, she's very understanding even when she doesn't like a person or group of people. that's kinda the whole point-

Talents - What talents does Adisa Nadia Jansen-Mora have?

drawing, writing, academic intelligence

Hobbies - What hobbies does Adisa Nadia Jansen-Mora have?

being with her best friend, going to the spa, smoking weed, drawing, going to parties

Personality type - What personality type is Adisa Nadia Jansen-Mora?

caring, loving, giving, insecure, positive, anxious, restless, impatient, loyal, artistic, driven



groups Social
Religion - What religion does Adisa Nadia Jansen-Mora practice?


Politics - What politics does Adisa Nadia Jansen-Mora have?


Occupation - What is Adisa Nadia Jansen-Mora’s occupation?

manager at a boutique

Favorite color - What is Adisa Nadia Jansen-Mora’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Adisa Nadia Jansen-Mora’s favorite food?

pancakes, pastries, baked goods

Favorite possession - What is Adisa Nadia Jansen-Mora’s favorite possession?

necklace that her dad gave her

Favorite animal - What is Adisa Nadia Jansen-Mora’s favorite animal?

hippos, dinosaurs

date_range History
Birthday - When is Adisa Nadia Jansen-Mora’s birthday?

October 19th

Education - What is Adisa Nadia Jansen-Mora’s level of education?

high school senior

Background - What is Adisa Nadia Jansen-Mora’s background?

used to live in new york and travel a lot until her dad died.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Adisa Nadia Jansen-Mora have?


shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
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