info Overview
Name - What is Robin Goodfellow’s full name?

Robin Goodfellow

Role - What is Robin Goodfellow’s role in your story?

The Trickster

Other names - What other aliases does Robin Goodfellow go by?

Robin Redfield

Gender - What is Robin Goodfellow’s gender?


face Looks
Race - What is Robin Goodfellow’s race?

Fae, faerie, puck

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groups Social
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edit Notes

Robin Goodfellow is a cypher at court. He is Queen Mab's consort, that is obvious, but the true reasons for this arrangement on both their parts remains a mystery to the rest of the realm. He is a quick wit and constant trickster who begins every scheme with mischief on his mind. No matter how serious things became, Robin could be relied upon to turn the conversation to levity or outright nonsense, but this flippancy often masks a keen insight.
He is a man who is not afraid to do what he needs to do to have a good time. For now, that good time includes serving as the third of Mab's consorts.

Robin Goodfellow appears in the following documents
Group chevron_right Members link linked Robin Goodfellow

This character was created by Will Lentz on

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