info Overview
Name - What is Halewyn’s full name?


Role - What is Halewyn’s role in your story?

Royal Consort

Gender - What is Halewyn’s gender?


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edit Notes

Lord Halewyn is a political expediency for Mab. He whispers into her ears that she is his sole purpose, but those whispers never come from his heart. He is a man of logic and of reason, and he believes that Queen Mab is right in her belief that the Winter Court is stronger than the Summer Court. He knows how to play at war games and has many allies, this has been beneficial to Mab with him as her consort. However for all his skill at twisting movements and words, his own ambition simmers beneath the surface. It always looks for an opportunity to exert its influence over her actions.

Halewyn appears in the following documents
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This character was created by Will Lentz on

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