info Overview
Name - What is Dakota Navine’s full name?

Dakota Navine

Gender - What is Dakota Navine’s gender?


Age - How old is Dakota Navine?


Role - What is Dakota Navine’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Dakota Navine go by?

Kota, Runt, Pancake

Sexual Orientation



True Neutral

face Looks
Body Type

She has a lanky, boyish frame though due to her short height she is often mistaken for a younger student, She has a boyish face with big sharp eyes

Eye Color - What is Dakota Navine’s eye color?

Champagne brown

Race - What is Dakota Navine’s race?


Skin Tone

Medium brown, freckled complexion

Weight - How much does Dakota Navine weigh?


Height - How tall is Dakota Navine?

Short enough to mistaken for a sophomore

Hair Color - What color is Dakota Navine’s hair?

Mousey Brown

Hair Style - How does Dakota Navine style their hair?

Short, feathered hair that falls to her sholders

Distinguishing speech patterns

She has a causal, slangish way of speaking and a light jersey accent

Clothing Style Preferences

She wears baggy and practical clothing that she can move in easily

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Dakota Navine have?

Lock Picking

Hobbies - What hobbies does Dakota Navine have?

Reading adventure books
Hiking in forests

Personality type - What personality type is Dakota Navine?

Distrustful, Blunt, Loyal, Shy, Loner, Low self-esteem

A disillusioned soul. To everyone she meets. She has the personality of an eclipse, Blocking out any light and only letting some out every once and a while. She doesn't have a filter and is quick to talk back when others stay quiet. She prefers the great indoors and fiction to the company of others, resulting in her being suspicious of other people other and their motives despite the that she usually stick close to those who earn her trust

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Dakota Navine have?

She usually circles around with her hands in her pockets, She doesn't look people she doesn't know in the eyes

Motivations - What motivates Dakota Navine most?

Helping Everest Camelot to get her home

Ethics and Values

She believes that you should treat people how'd you like to be treated.

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Dakota Navine’s favorite color?


Job - What job does Dakota Navine have?

College Student

Favorite food - What is Dakota Navine’s favorite food?


Favorite possession - What is Dakota Navine’s favorite possession?

The clip she got from a childhood friend

Favorite weapon - What is Dakota Navine’s favorite weapon?

Stun gun

Favorite animal - What is Dakota Navine’s favorite animal?


Where is the character’s safe place?

The library where she can relax and draw

Where does the character live?

Her dorm room that's usually a bit unorganized
With her parents

How does the character typically get from place to place?

Walking, Bike

emoji_emotions Emotional Range
When Happy

Swinging arms while she is walking, Strong posture, Pressing her lips tight to keep from smiling, Holding a hand over her mouth to cover a smile

When Sad

An unmoving stance, her voice becomes deadpan, she has a grave expression and serious demeanor, hands folded in one’s lap, fatigue, lacking energy

When Scared

Masking fear with a reactive frustration, False bravado, Over-indulgence in a nail biting, Keeping silent, Turning away from the cause of the fear, Images of what-could-be flashing through her mind, Flawed reasoning, Jumping to a course of action without thinking things through

When Angered

A shaking or raised voice, yelling, Deepening her tone, Deploying sarcasm, insulting others, Noisy breathing, Legs that are planted wide, Baring her teeth, Repetitive, sharp gestures

When Stressed

Angers quickly, becomes hyper-critical of everyone, can’t turn her brain off at night, leading to insomnia

Negative Coping Mechanisms

Pulling away from family and friends
Refusing Help
Doubting others
Keeping relationship shallow

Positive Coping Mechanisms

Embracing humor to diffuse frustration
Reigniting old interests or developing new ones
Spending time in the library
Shedding toxic people

Uncomfortable Emotions

Love, Fear, Embarrassment, Flustered

info History
Birthday - When is Dakota Navine’s birthday?

Oct 6

Background - What is Dakota Navine’s background?

(Moving Around)

(The World Of Fiction)


(Dumb Luck)


No one notices or cares about me

Positive Influencers and Role Models

Her parents, who stuck with her thick and thin, which made her value loyalty

Her childhood friend helped her with some connection with people

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Personal
folder_open Deaths
folder_open Quote
Character chevron_right Friends link linked Dakota Navine

This character was created by Mew-chan on

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