info Overview
Name - What is Ragnor Barron’s full name?

Ragnor Barron

Age - How old is Ragnor Barron?

Appears to be in his late 20's to early 30's

Actual Age - 149

Gender - What is Ragnor Barron’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Ragnor Barron go by?

'Big Boss'

face Looks
Race - What is Ragnor Barron’s race?


Height - How tall is Ragnor Barron?

About 7ft

Hair Color - What color is Ragnor Barron’s hair?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Ragnor Barron have?

Clean shaven
Though occasionally grows out stubble, but not often

Eye Color - What is Ragnor Barron’s eye color?


Body Type

Well built/muscled

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Ragnor Barron have?

His left arm appears to be covered in a heavy metal gauntlet. There's a story behind his metallic arm. What's underneath that armor, well, if Ragnor considers you a close friend, he may be willing to reveal what happened.

fingerprint Nature
Flaws - What flaws does Ragnor Barron have?

Has a bad habit of smoking

groups Social
Favorite weapon - What is Ragnor Barron’s favorite weapon?

Hand-to-hand Combatant

info History
device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Ragnor Barron have?

His familiar Eve

(wouldn't really be a pet, but putting her here for now)

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Name: Ragnor Barron

Age: Appears to be in his late 20's to early 30's
Actual Age - 149

Gender: Male

Species: Warlock


Other Info: Always seen with a leather pouch attached to a belt as it contains a syringe filled with a tonic he must take every day. If he were to forget, let's just say it wouldn't be pretty.

Name: Eve


Gender: Female

Species: Nature Elemental


Other Info:

folder_open Powers/Abilities

Ragnor focuses on earth magic, primarily creating stone walls, summoning boulders, etc.

folder_open Favorite Quotes/Excerpts

He currently sat in his office, flitting through some papers. In his mouth was a burning cigarette. The male seemed normal for the most part, until one got to his arms. His right limb appeared to be covered in a heavy, metallic gauntlet. The male's green eyes were focused on the papers before him, though he was soon brought out of his focus by a chirrup.

The male lifted his head, green eyes landing on the door as a small creature suddenly flitted inside. The small fae-like creature was carrying what appeared to be an envelope. It flew over to him, dropping the envelope on the desk in front of him, then flying over coming to rest on his shoulder.

A smile appeared on the man's face, lifting his good arm, lightly petting the creature on the head with a single finger. His voice was soft as he spoke, "Well now, what have we here?"

The creature gave another chirp, looking towards him. Soon, a gentle, feminine voice sounded in his head, as it appeared to be the only way his familiar was able to speak to him or anyone.

~The people at the desk wanted me to deliver this to you Ragnor...wonder what they want now~.

The male paused, then reached downwards, opening the envelope, pulling out a neat paper. His green eyes scanned the words in the letter. Hm, seemed he was being assigned to a new team for the time being.

~What is it about...also, did you remember to take your tonic~.

Ragnor removed the white stick from his mouth, putting it in the ashtray. He exhaled a cloud of smoke, resting his head against his metallic arm.

"Seems we're being assigned into a new team. Probably some young members they want us to watch over, help along. You know, all that stuff."

The male seemingly paused as his familiar asked if he had taken his 'meds'. Though he soon answered her, "I think...yea, yea I did take it. Took it before I came in this morning. Speaking of, we're gonna have to make a visit to the sisters soon here to get more of that tonic."

The fae-like creature seemed to sigh, shaking her head. Though she didn't say a word as she felt Ragnor suddenly stand. Eve shifted a bit, though remained perched on his shoulder as he started forward.

"Guess we should go meet the group before I get yelled at again."

His eyes shifted towards the door as another soon entered. Though it seemed they were missing one.
"Heh, look at that, I'm not the last one this time," Ragnor mumbled.

The familiar on his shoulder seemingly rolled her eyes. Eve's tail flicked, remaining curled against her side. It was rather clear she was taking this meeting a bit more seriously than her owner.

~Please try to keep the 'jokes' to a minimum Ragnor~.

Ragnor only smirked as he heard Eve. Despite his laid back, and some have even said lazy, disposition, Ragnor was all ears. He leaned back in his chair, resting his right, metallic arm on his lap. The male's left hand seemingly twitched towards a pocket on his jacket, but stopped himself. Yea, it probably wasn't a good idea to smoke here.
Sure, there were a lot who insisted that 'smoking' was bad for the health, which was very true. Though to Ragnor, it was something to calm the nerves. There had been a time before when he didn't touch the white sticks, but times change, the past shaping him into what he is now.

Ragnor continued to observe as the files the woman presented projected before them. He released a barely audible sigh as she listed the current criminal status. On his shoulder, Eve laid her ears back.

~Course, leave it to a bunch of rogues to start encroaching on territory~.
The male didn't say a word to his Familiar's comment. He simply laid his left hand on the table, waiting for Cry to finish speaking. The most he felt was a small movement on his shoulder as Eve repositioned herself.

His head seemed to perk up as the leader of their group sat down at the table. Ragnor shifted a bit in his chair, the metal covering his right arm glimmering ever so slightly. As she mentioned not really looking through files, there was barely a reaction from him. Once again, something Ragnor was used to hearing, or hearing non-stop from a newbie who read his files and wouldn't shut up about it. Every group was different, some respecting privacy, then having the nosy ones.

Ragnor shifted his attention to Jayfeather. His green eyes seemingly narrowed, though it was Eve who voiced her thoughts in her master's mind; ~Create chaos for fun...sounds a bit suspicious if you ask me. Chaos, whether an energy or not, is something not to be trifled with, it is to be either avoided, or closely watched~.

The male gave a slight nod, soon adding his own voice for those around to hear him, "Well...tis a bit questionable, this 'informant' you speak of Jayfeather. Saying she enjoys creating 'chaos for fun, then escaping', doesn't give her a great reputation right away."

Ragnor shrugged, "Then again, I could be completely wrong. Just saying, I've been told the same thing before, and ended up said 'informant' was instead a pain in the ass that had to be dealt with right away."

The male grimaced slightly, having past events run through his mind. This was always a tough decision to work with, having it turn to shit in a mere second. Eve perked her ears forward again, wings fluttering a bit behind her.

Ragnor had settled his arms in a criss cross shape against his chest. His green eyes were a gentle, calm hue. The male was in a mostly relaxed state, being patient as he waited for Cry to get her leaf to...track wasn't it?

Even seemingly gave a soft sigh ~You weren't listening, were you? She called it a 'tracking leaf'~.

Ragnor shot his familiar a look. He had been listening...Alright, he might've zoned out just a bit as he stood in place waiting. To where it slipped past his train of thought.

He returned his gaze back forward, releasing a soft 'tsk' then mumbling, "You can't expect me to keep track of everything, can ya?"

The small familiar shook her head, giving a chirrup ~You would be so lost without me~.


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