info Overview
Name - What is Aurora’s full name?


Role - What is Aurora’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Aurora go by?

The Fearless

Gender - What is Aurora’s gender?


Age - How old is Aurora?


face Looks
Hair Color - What color is Aurora’s hair?

Crimson Red

Hair Style - How does Aurora style their hair?

Wavy Long Hair

Eye Color - What is Aurora’s eye color?

Icy Blue

Race - What is Aurora’s race?


fingerprint Nature
Flaws - What flaws does Aurora have?

None, she's perfect.

Personality type - What personality type is Aurora?

Aurora was a very sweet and caring young dragon who was every bit the proper lady. Although she was polite and gentle in her youth, she did show some strength of character, specially when it came to protecting her beloved from Geist (even though it was a futile attempt).
Aurora was a very kind and understanding dragon who never said an unkind word to anyone. She had a lot of mental endurance and love for her children, shown when she fought back when Geist, the dragon she was so afraid of, that raped and mistreated her and other dragonesses for years, tried to attack them.

The twins also discovered she was a very hard worker and curious dragon with a rebellious streak, which was passed down to her eldest kids. Nonetheless, she has a commanding presence if she wishes. For instance, her fellow mistresses noted when first meeting her that her eyes were icy cold, making it clear she would not allow her children to be taken without fighting.

Aurora is one of the few people capable of tempering her child Anthony du Cronos, while also not betraying her grace and showing deep wisdom. Though significantly more stern, she was still the caring person she had always been.

groups Social
date_range History
Background - What is Aurora’s background?

Aurora was an european dragoness and the mother of Anthony du Cronos, Amy du Cronos and Kawren du Cronos.

She used to work as a carpenter assistant in her humble home.
She was very curious about the human world, traveling there from time to time, she also fell in love with a human man named Rick.

Unfortunately, the dragon king Geist du Cronos took an eye of her and decided he wanted her. So once, she followed her to the human realm, killed her boyfriend and abducted her to make her one of his concubines. She suffered this fate for almost a year, and she became pregnant.

She laid three eggs, and, with the help of other concubines who befriended her, she hid the eggs and nurtured them.

However, Geist later found out and tried to eat the newborn cubs, however, Aurora refused to let her cubs die, so she fought back.

She later managed to send her youngest cubs to the human realm, and the eldest, her daughter, was spared since Geist thought a daughter would never be a threat to his throne.

Aurora was later executed by Geist himself, in front of a whole crowd.

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

• Just like her second-born, Aurora was a dragoness with venom in her body, though she could use it at will, unlike Anthony who can only use it as a defensive method.
• She or her family might have been from the Southern Realm, since Aurora is pretty much a common name in that realm.
• Her name means "Dawn".
• She is based on the titaness Rhea from Greek Mythology.
• Much like Anima, her name is a latin word.

flash_on Powers/Abilities
sports_kabaddi Family
Main Family

Dakaena [Mother]
Unnamed Father
Amy du Cronos [Daughter]
Anthony du Cronos [Son/Daughter]
Owen/Kawren du Cronos [Son]
Isis du Cronos [Granddaughter]
Freki du Cronos, Ma'at du Cronos, Nick du Cronos [Grandsons]
Juni Stivron [Great-Granddaughter]
James Strivron [Great-Grandson]

Aurora appears in the following documents
Character chevron_right Main Family link mentioned Aurora

Character chevron_right Background link mentioned Aurora

This character was created by Robin Blade on

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