info Overview
Name - What is Alys Laverna Brickenden’s full name?

Alys Laverna Brickenden

Role - What is Alys Laverna Brickenden’s role in your story?

The housekeeper at Devine Manor, who angered the Oculosian Church in Cumbria during the mid-20th century and fled to Ames with the help of Menodora Devine.

Other names - What other aliases does Alys Laverna Brickenden go by?

Verna (she exclusively goes by this name)

Age - How old is Alys Laverna Brickenden?

108 (appears to be in her late 80s)

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Alys Laverna Brickenden have?

She's always been withholding and diligent, preferring to read, knit, or write rather than speaking to any other residents or guests of the Manor. However, she likes to subtly help improve the lives of the people around her, casting small charms for convenience, and quietly protecting younger Darcy and Lachlan. She can often be seen muttering to herself or chuckling about nothing in particular

Motivations - What motivates Alys Laverna Brickenden most?

Avoiding trouble, repaying her "debt" to the Devine family.

Flaws - What flaws does Alys Laverna Brickenden have?

Idiosyncratic, spaced out, reticent

Talents - What talents does Alys Laverna Brickenden have?

She is good at magic (particularly empathic magic) and needlework.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Alys Laverna Brickenden have?

Knitting, sewing, needlework, calligraphy, reading

Personality type - What personality type is Alys Laverna Brickenden?

INTP 1w2


Arthritis, blind in her right eye

Zodiac Sign



Being exposed to the people she ran from, a fear that is more likely to be actualized with Lachlan's departure.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Alys Laverna Brickenden practice?

Atheist (raised Oculosian)

Politics - What politics does Alys Laverna Brickenden have?


Occupation - What is Alys Laverna Brickenden’s occupation?

Housekeeper, mage

Favorite color - What is Alys Laverna Brickenden’s favorite color?

Light blue

Favorite food - What is Alys Laverna Brickenden’s favorite food?

Blackberry pie

Favorite possession - What is Alys Laverna Brickenden’s favorite possession?

A silver locket given to her by Menodora.

Favorite animal - What is Alys Laverna Brickenden’s favorite animal?

Fluffy, chubby cats

date_range History
face Looks
Weight - How much does Alys Laverna Brickenden weigh?

130 lbs

Height - How tall is Alys Laverna Brickenden?


Hair Color - What color is Alys Laverna Brickenden’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Alys Laverna Brickenden style their hair?

Messy and cropped just below her ears

Eye Color - What is Alys Laverna Brickenden’s eye color?


Skin Tone


Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Alys Laverna Brickenden have?

Narrow facial features

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