filter_list Overview
Name - What is Jacob Coray’s full name?

Jacob Coray

Role - What is Jacob Coray’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Jacob Coray go by?

Jai jai

Gender - What is Jacob Coray’s gender?

Trans male

Age - How old is Jacob Coray?


accessibility Physical Description
Height - How tall is Jacob Coray?


Hair Color - What color is Jacob Coray’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Jacob Coray style their hair?

thick, frames his face

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Jacob Coray have?


Eye Color - What is Jacob Coray’s eye color?

bright green

Race - What is Jacob Coray’s race?

human, harbinger

Skin Tone


Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Jacob Coray have?

His eyes


loose Orange shirt over long sleeve white knit shirt, jeans.

Bottom to top description

eh, that's not in our best interests

account_box Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Jacob Coray have?

Looks at everyone suspiciously, tries to seem as tough as possible.

Motivations (desire)

Be a MAN

Motivations (need)

Realize he already is one

Flaws - What flaws does Jacob Coray have?

He can't read people very well, and starts setting stereotypes to their appearance.

groups Social
Favorite weapon - What is Jacob Coray’s favorite weapon?

He would probably enjoy wielding a clay-more, though it would make him looks smaller.

date_range History
Education - What is Jacob Coray’s level of education?

Home schooled

Background - What is Jacob Coray’s background?

He lives with his parents, his mother works for a company that as them moving every six months, Jacob has never made it a priority to make friends, Leslie on the other hand always did. Jacob has always been seen as the frail one. His stay at home father treats him like a porcelain doll.

Past trauma(s)

His birth and the fact that he was born wrong and afab.
His grandpa died.

currant trauma(s)

His dysphoria.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

A summarization of the plot.
So, it starts with a kid he lives with his mom, dad and brother.
His mother has a job that requires the family to constantly move, so his father home-schools him (the main character), the brother wanted to attend public school.
The kid starts getting letter in the mail from his dead grandfather. who was the first person he came out to. (he's trans. the main character not the grandfather).
The kid is sensible but also filled with grief. So, he sends a letter back. His grandfather sends one to him replying to his letter, it tells him (the MC) to grab a candle, a knife, a rope, go into a room no one else will be in for awhile and whisper some special words over and over until he falls asleep. (I never chose which words)
He does this going into a closet in the basement. No one goes in the basement.
He sits on the floor, lights the candle and starts whispering.
His eyes start burning. glowing golden liquid flows from them.
Then he passes out.
He then wakes up naked under a sheet. (which causes all kinds of terrible feelings) He sits up and looks around, he is in a plain room, there are dozens of tables like the one his is sitting on, they all have bodies on them. People come into the room and escort him out along with two other kids who also woke up. He is taken to a room, like a hotel room. He is locked in the room. later around three hours. he is escorted out, there were clothes in a dresser in the room. He was taken to a dining hall with a long table. there was a regal looking woman sitting at the head of the table and a mischievous looking boy sitting next to her. there were also the two other kids he saw being taken out of the room he woke up in. The queen (the regal lady) tells the three kids (the MC and the two other kids who woke up in the room) that they have awoken as a sign of the dwindling health of the land. They are called harbingers, and they are the reason the world is about to be destroyed. The queen tell them there should be four of them. She calls in an old adviser who has lived through many Harbinger plagues. A boy who look about fifteen comes in. He tell the queen that there must have been a mistake, the last one hadn't taken the bait. The adviser says that the best move would be to go to the second world (earth) to retrieve the last one. The queen tell the Harbingers to sleep, they will need to be asleep to go back. So he wakes up back in his world, still sitting in the locked closet. but now he must find some person he knows nothing about. also he has no idea where they could be. luckily, the adviser decided he needed to go into the other world too. he knew they came from different places and that it would be extremely difficult to find the last one, also he needed to make sure none of them tried to get out of it. The adviser goes to meet each Harbinger and get them all to the same place so they could find the last one. they end up find out that the last one had died without doing the ritual that lets them in. so the last one couldn't be used. The all go back to the world, where the queen says that they will just have to go through with it as usual, without the last one. But the MC starts having serious problems, problems that had started from the beginning bout only now are to hard to handle, there has been an infestation in his mind, one of the creatures crawled through his ears into his brain and now is a part of him, this ting take the form of a teenage boy who bosses MC around and flirts with him. MC finds it terrible, he feels the thing is feminizing him and distracting him. The thing started out as thought he couldn't get out of his head and slowly formed into a full body person who he could feel and smell and all the senses. But no one else could. MC could go on like that. he had to get rid of it. But the ritual was coming up and he hadn't told anyone about the creature. He ended up telling the adviser about it and the adviser tried to advise him on how to deal with it but it was getting too late and the creature was too strong. but the creature started to actually care about the MC so the creature wanted to stop draining him but MC had to open his mind to let the creature out but he couldn't. And ritual day was like tomorrow. So he went to the ritual with the other harbingers, they were finally told what would happen at the ritual. They would be sacrificed. His mind creature holding his hand telling him it's going to be okay, him terrified but too shocked to comprehend any of it. the Harbingers were sacrificed. The MC woke up in his world, waking up from a world he would never see again. He sat down to breakfast with his brother and father. He started hearing a voice in his head, it was the creature it was, some how, with his still.

Never to be told

How his character changed over time: He started as a shy innocent one with no other personality. then he was a book smart kid. then he was this angry edgy, morbid humored kid, that's his last form. he also, during his time in the other land, a center spawn crawled in his brain, slowly eating away at it. it would appear to him more and more as the story went on, it started out as a voice, by the end it was a full body apparition. it started out by flirting with Jaya, Jaya hated the thing, it made feel feminine, which made him feel terrible, (Jaya's trans) The center spawn eventually realized what it was doing to him and stopped it ended up killing it's self to save him.

grade Categorization




Fight, Flight, Freeze



True Neutral


I drawing I drew a long time ago


This character was created by Leshierian on

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