info Overview
Name - What is Sean Fitzroy’s full name?

Sean Fitzroy

Role - What is Sean Fitzroy’s role in your story?

Page's father, an absent-minded industrial engineer. Supportive, good-natured, and a bit schlubby.

Age - How old is Sean Fitzroy?


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Sean Fitzroy have?

Down-to-earth and pleasant. Never appears entirely put-together. Uses lots of filler words.

Motivations - What motivates Sean Fitzroy most?

Being a good father to Page, trying to recover from the heartbreak of losing his wife, having a good time.

Flaws - What flaws does Sean Fitzroy have?

Disorganized, emotionally inept (though loving), stagnant

Talents - What talents does Sean Fitzroy have?

He's great at math and physics.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Sean Fitzroy have?

Watching cartoons and sports, board and tabletop games, recreational soccer, barbecuing

Personality type - What personality type is Sean Fitzroy?

ENTP 7w6


Depression, Asthma

Zodiac Sign



Losing Page (whatever that may entail)

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Sean Fitzroy practice?


Politics - What politics does Sean Fitzroy have?


Occupation - What is Sean Fitzroy’s occupation?

Industrial engineer

Favorite color - What is Sean Fitzroy’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Sean Fitzroy’s favorite food?

Cheeseburgers, fries, and Yuengling light

Favorite possession - What is Sean Fitzroy’s favorite possession?

His wedding band, which he still wears every day.

Favorite animal - What is Sean Fitzroy’s favorite animal?

Dogs, though he's allergic.

date_range History
face Looks
Weight - How much does Sean Fitzroy weigh?

210 lbs

Height - How tall is Sean Fitzroy?


Hair Color - What color is Sean Fitzroy’s hair?

Brown, graying in some parts

Hair Style - How does Sean Fitzroy style their hair?

Crew cut

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Sean Fitzroy have?

Thick stubble

Eye Color - What is Sean Fitzroy’s eye color?


Skin Tone


Body Type

Dad-bod, a bit of a beer gut

Kibbe Type

Soft Natural

Color Season

Deep Autumn

shopping_basket Inventory
device_hub Family
format_list_bulleted Stats
looks Random
audiotrack Playlist
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Spouses link linked Sean Fitzroy

Character chevron_right Fathers link linked Sean Fitzroy

This character was created by charlotte on

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