info Overview
Name - What is Sage Rivers ’s full name?

Sage Rivers

Age - How old is Sage Rivers ?

438 years old but physically around 18 or 19

Gender - What is Sage Rivers ’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Sage Rivers go by?

Sage is really her middle name, her full name is Elizabeth Sage Rivers. She goes by Sage because she likes it better than Elizabeth.

Other names she goes by are Warden and Moonflower. Both names were given to her by her Master, Kieran Maddix.

She has had many other names over the years but Sage Rivers is her true name

Role - What is Sage Rivers ’s role in your story?

Star-Crossed Lovers

face Looks
Eye Color - What is Sage Rivers ’s eye color?

Baby blue. Her eyes glow somewhat because of her status as a vampire. Because of this, her eyes also change colors based on mood. Her eyes are almost always blue.

Bright Blue: Calm, happy or content
Grey: Tired, bored, annoyed
Red: Hungry
Black: Angry
Pink: Is less common, usually this color when a vampire is experiencing strong attraction

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Sage Rivers have?


Hair Style - How does Sage Rivers style their hair?

Long hair, curly. Her hair is naturally somewhat curly

Hair Color - What color is Sage Rivers ’s hair?

Blonde. Her hair has been compared to spun gold

Height - How tall is Sage Rivers ?


Identifying Marks and other Identifying Features

Identifying Marks: Sage has a bite mark on her lower arm from where she was turned, she also has a Bond Mark on her neck from where her mate, Poppy, claimed her. She has alchemy tattoos covering back symbolizing her status as a Death Warden.

Other Identifying Features: common vampire features vary from Clan to Clan but most in her's have dark hair. Sage, however, has light hair so this is one of her biggest identifying features.

Body Type

Athletic, hourglass.

Sage is not a TWIG but she does have an athletic build because of her rigorous training routine. She has a semi-full chest and a rounded rear but that is all built up muscle, she is a little self-conscious about her arms. They aren't noodles but they arent built either.

Weight - How much does Sage Rivers weigh?

130 lbs.

Skin Tone

Pale. Sage can tan slightly, assuming she is wearing her sunlight ring which protects her, but overall she stays pale.

Race - What is Sage Rivers ’s race?


English, French, American via immigration

Description of Race

Vampires have been around for centuries, they first come about around the year 300 BC. These creatures have a range of appearances and can alter their appearance if they wish.

Their powers include: shapeshifting, phasing (moving so quickly they can go through objects), enhanced senses, enhanced speed/durability/strength, mild mind manipulation, telepathy, immortality, and magic ability if old enough.

Early Life: Wether a vampire is born or created, they all go through this process. When a vampire is first created or born they are called "pups". They are considered pups until they reach the age of 100 and then they are called a "Youngling". Pups and Younglings experience changes to their body like their strength increasing and their fangs hurting. When Pup vampire reaches the age of Youngling their baby fangs fall out and their full fangs emerge. Full-size fangs are about an inch long and retractable while baby fangs are a couple of centimeters and non-retractable.

History: The first and only recognized vampire King was Saren Vlad Dracul, otherwise known as Dracula. The King was kidnapped as a child and forced into slavery by an enemy King and was used by his generals for pleasure. When Saren was teenager, he killed his captors and the King and took his throne. Saren later returned to his own land and became king there as well. Something happened in his life there that made the Vampire King go mad, he disappeared for a while resurfacing in places like the fall of Constantinople, Christopher Columbus sailing to the Caribbean, Salem Witch Trials, The Boston Fires, and many more. The King has the largest Clan of all, he is the leader of Sage's Clan but has left Kieran in charge.

fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Sage Rivers have?

Does being against pineapple of pizza count? Of all the human inventions she enjoys, pineapple on pizza is not one of them.

She doesn't have any major prejudices, she has lived and will live too long to hold uncontrollable things against people. Race or sexual orientation matters not to her.


Slight Stockholm syndrome. When she was 8 years old she was abducted from her village settlement along with all of the other inhabitants. She bonded with her captors and in return, they agreed to take her in while the rest of the villagers were slaughtered. Her bond to these captors has since lessened but is still there.

Amnesia. Since her Turning, Sage cannot fully remember her human life. She does not remember her mother, her father, or if she ever had siblings or not.

Motivations - What motivates Sage Rivers most?

Equality. Her Clan and many others are incredibly racist towards Lyconthrops, werewolves, and her Master wants them dead. This is a big problem for Sage because her mate, Poppy, is a Lyconthrop.

Flaws - What flaws does Sage Rivers have?

She doesn't ALWAYS think before speaks, like lashing out at her Master once when he broke a promise earned her a good-sized bruise on her cheek.

Sage has that cold kind of anger. The kind of anger that doesn't manifest immediately but just builds till she breaks and when she does the flood gates are opened and all hell breaks loose.

She can be possessive, sometimes too possessive but it is a flaw she tries to work at because it is a trait she learned from her abuser Kieran.

Sage can also be paranoid. This flaw comes about when she and Poppy run away from her Clan after finding out Kieran had accidentally gotten her pregnant and wanted to make her his new mate.

Snappish. When people are being mean Sage is not afraid to insult someone back, often getting personal to get someone to shut up quicker.

Talents - What talents does Sage Rivers have?

Sage has some rather violent talents but some of her more standard talents are singing, dancing, and magic.

Despite her distaste for violence, Sage is practically a living weapon. When Sage joined the Clan Kieran immediately started her training. As a little girl and a newly turned vampire, she showed great blood lust and desire to please her new Masters. Sage showed immense skill with weapons like the short sword, the whip, and crossbows. Crossbows upgraded to guns when the better technology came about. All of her Clan are good at hand to hand so it is not something she can be individually labeled as good at.

Sage was told she was good at singing even as a human, she sings for her Master and her mate. Her voice sounds angelic even though she is a demonic being. She loves to dance as well, her long life has allowed her to practice many forms of dance.

Magic is a gift all supernatural humanoid creatures can practice. Her strengths are conjuring, traveling, and healing spells. Because of her status as Second Consort to Kieran, she admittedly has some skill in magic involving pleasure spells.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Sage Rivers have?

Singing, dance, going on walks, and reading. She likes to read in the sun, as long as she has the protective ring that prevents her from being burned.

Personality type - What personality type is Sage Rivers ?

ENFJ-T (The Protagonist)

Sage is a very sweet and nurturing type of person. Despite her deadly skill with weapons, she would much rather be sitting on the couch reading to her mate or talking to people than fighting.

She is an organized person who likes to plan out things as best she can but isn't opposed to occasionally going off book and having a little adventure. As a mostly extraverted person, she likes to be around people also take some time to herself now and then to just recharge.

Sage likes to learn new things, besides the witches who work for her Clan, she is probably one of the most curious and learned vampires in her group. She likes to read and learn about new concepts and ideas, she doesn't like hard facts that claim to dictate the laws of the world since these human rules of science, medicine, politics, and astronomy and severely lacking.

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Sage Rivers ’s favorite food?

Cinnamon rolls and cheese pizza, she believes these are two of the best things humans have ever created

Favorite animal - What is Sage Rivers ’s favorite animal?

Pegasus, but there hasn't been a Pegasus in the United States in nearly 100 years.

Favorite weapon - What is Sage Rivers ’s favorite weapon?

The Hookwhip. The Hookwhip has a handle about a foot long, the design depends on the bearer and what the want it to look like. The actual cord of the whip is about 12 feet long and made of a fabric woven with silver metal. The cord itself is dangerous but the Hookwhip has angles barbs on it designed to rip flesh.

Favorite color - What is Sage Rivers ’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Sage Rivers ’s occupation?

Death Warden.

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This character was created by Sophie on

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