info Overview
Name - What is Rex Addison’s full name?

Rex Addison

Role - What is Rex Addison’s role in your story?

Addison's son, who he insisted be placed in Mysteries of Ames. Behaves how you would expect a sheltered frat boy with a moneybags father to behave.

Other names - What other aliases does Rex Addison go by?

Rex Reed

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Rex Addison have?

Technically well-mannered, but still has an aura of rudeness. Often scowling, glaring, or not listening to you.

Motivations - What motivates Rex Addison most?

Approval from his father, a desire to fit in.

Flaws - What flaws does Rex Addison have?

Temperamental, prideful, pretentious

Talents - What talents does Rex Addison have?

He's decently fit and athletic.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Rex Addison have?

Playing rugby (he's not as good as he thinks he is), horseback riding

Personality type - What personality type is Rex Addison?

ESTJ 3w4

Zodiac Sign



Never measuring up to his image of himself

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Rex Addison practice?

Casually protestant

Politics - What politics does Rex Addison have?

He thinks politics are stupid (at least, that's what he'll tell you)

Occupation - What is Rex Addison’s occupation?

Business student, marketing intern at Addison Co., secretary of the Omicron Omega Omicron Fraternity

Favorite color - What is Rex Addison’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Rex Addison’s favorite food?

He says it's foie gras. It's cheeseburgers.

Favorite possession - What is Rex Addison’s favorite possession?

Those damn glasses.

Favorite animal - What is Rex Addison’s favorite animal?

At the end of the day, he's a horse girl. He has a brown Westphalian named Posy Junior, and she's his best friend.

date_range History
face Looks
Weight - How much does Rex Addison weigh?

185 lbs

Height - How tall is Rex Addison?


Hair Color - What color is Rex Addison’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Rex Addison style their hair?

Short, straight undercut

Eye Color - What is Rex Addison’s eye color?

Light blue with round tortoiseshell glasses

Skin Tone


Body Type

Stocky, lightly muscled

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Rex Addison have?

Kind of baby-faced

Kibbe Type

Soft Natural

Color Season

Light Summer

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edit Notes
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This character was created by charlotte on

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