info Overview
Name - What is Damen ap Aeschylus ’s full name?

Damen ap Aeschylus

Age - How old is Damen ap Aeschylus ?

4,420 years old, approximately

Gender - What is Damen ap Aeschylus ’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Damen ap Aeschylus go by?

Originally named Cadmael but only his mother called him that

(Pre-modern age)
Prince of War, Warlord of the Two, The White Rider, Son of Shame, Darkling, King of the Night, The Boogy Man

Mr. Damen Colt and a few other names through the years starting from the 20s to the 2000s

Role - What is Damen ap Aeschylus ’s role in your story?

Main Character, Love Interest, Antagonist

face Looks
Eye Color - What is Damen ap Aeschylus ’s eye color?

China blue normally and White when he uses his magic
(it is like a mix between light turquoise and blue)

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Damen ap Aeschylus have?


Hair Style - How does Damen ap Aeschylus style their hair?

Standard boyish length, his hair is slightly wavy and curls on some occasions like when he air-dries his hair

Hair Color - What color is Damen ap Aeschylus ’s hair?

Tawny. His hair is a mix between chestnut brown and rusty red color. His hair has some blond highlights towards the front ends

Height - How tall is Damen ap Aeschylus ?

6'5 feet tall

Identifying Marks and other Identifying Features

Freckles all over his face like along his cheekbones and jawline and neck and nose. He has faded freckles on his arms and a few on his back. Damen has a scars across his collarbones and back, they are ceremonial scars

Body Type

Tall, muscled but lean. Damen is supernaturally strong because of his immortality and gift of magic but he would be strong without it. He is fast as a cat too because of it too

Weight - How much does Damen ap Aeschylus weigh?

190 lbs

Skin Tone

Semi tan. Can tan in the summertime but not excessively

Race - What is Damen ap Aeschylus ’s race?

Immortal (Powered human)

fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Damen ap Aeschylus have?

He despises humans, they killed his love. He also doesn't like them for their brutal nature and destructive habits. Damen himself is no saint but he chooses to be the way he is while Humans are awful on instinct


PTSD, Anxiety, seasonal depression

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Damen ap Aeschylus have?

Damen is passive-aggressive, straight-up aggressive, sarcastic, and cunning. He uses sarcasm in everything always speaks in high lingo and is always smirking a little. His life experiences give him an edge on most things so he uses it to his advantage. Damen often leans against things and won't look at people when they speak because he doesn't often find people interesting anymore. He really isn't an evil person, he is just sad and hurting

Motivations - What motivates Damen ap Aeschylus most?

Power, peace, survival

To him, power and peace go hand in hand. He who has the most power brings peace. Survival to him is second nature as well, he has lived thousands of years by this natural law

Flaws - What flaws does Damen ap Aeschylus have?

Damen was always aggressive in nature, its what made him a good warlord for the Two. He also has some destructive habits such as smoking, his lungs automatically heal, so it isn't necessarily bad for him. He also drinks and has a tendency to wander.

In his case, I will consider caring too much a flaw. Damen cares so much about what other people think or thought of him and he cannot let go of the past

Talents - What talents does Damen ap Aeschylus have?

Damen is a talented swordsman and archer, he was the warlord of the Two for years and an assassin for longer. One of the best in the world but nobody ever knew it

He is skilled at many forms of magic including many dark or left-handed magic forms

Damen is actually rather good at painting, he prefers to dream memories or events in his own life, the subject of many of his paintings are his lives or his love; Queen Willa.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Damen ap Aeschylus have?

Damen has some strange hobbies like throwing parties but not taking part in them, he merely likes to laugh at silly humans. He

Some of his more normal hobbies are painting, reading, and gardening (surprisingly)

Personality type - What personality type is Damen ap Aeschylus ?

ISTJ-T (The Logistician)

Damen is a little demon in this modern age but in his original life, he was so lively and kind. He hated hurting people back then, he was a warlord but he was a merciful one

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Damen ap Aeschylus ’s favorite food?

He adores fries, one of his favorite human inventions ever

Favorite animal - What is Damen ap Aeschylus ’s favorite animal?

Wolves or Griffins. He is sad most of them are gone now because of people hunting them hundreds of years ago

Favorite weapon - What is Damen ap Aeschylus ’s favorite weapon?

Carolingian Sword

Favorite possession - What is Damen ap Aeschylus ’s favorite possession?

His ring. It is golden with two ravens on it, their foreheads touching. The ring is simply carved but beautiful non the less

Favorite color - What is Damen ap Aeschylus ’s favorite color?

He has always liked the colors red and turquoise

Occupation - What is Damen ap Aeschylus ’s occupation?

Formally the chief warlord of the Two, he is now what the rest of the Immortals call a Wanderer. Someone who is between lives and trying to make a new one. Damen at the moment is just doing his own thing

Politics - What politics does Damen ap Aeschylus have?


Religion - What religion does Damen ap Aeschylus practice?

He doesn't subscribe to one religion, he is the son of a banished supernatural being so he knows there is something out there

Job - What job does Damen ap Aeschylus have?

Freelance artist and investor

info History
Education - What is Damen ap Aeschylus ’s level of education?

Over his long lifetime, Damen has gone to college many many times to study all kinds of things. He has even been a professor a few times

Background - What is Damen ap Aeschylus ’s background?

Damen was born in the year 600 BC in a land then called Kidora, a place forgotten by history. He was born under the name Cadmael which means "War Chietan". Damen's birth was a great mystery for a while, his mother was a supposed virgin when she had him. Most in their village believed she had lied about her virtue so no man ever married her. The truth of it was that Damen's mother was a Druid who had been bathing in a stream when a supernatural force came to her. It took the shape of a man, he had skin as pale as the moon and eyes the color of smoke. He said his name was Adan, that he was a Higher Being like one of the deities of their old religion. He had fallen out of the good graces of the Creator and had been banished to Earth. Damen's mother helped the man recover and the two fell in love and had Damen, then called Cadmael. Everyone believes Damen to be a normal boy until one day as a baby he made a spear fly through the air and strike a wall.

Damen grew up to be a fine young man, strong and handsome and courageous. When war threatened his home he answered the call to battle and took up arms, he was only 17 at the time. He fought bravely and was the only one of his group to survive. For showing a great ability for war, he was taken in by a clan called the White Wolves which served as the personal generals for their lands nobility. He rose through the ranks fast and by the age of 20 was promoted to the position of Chief Warlord. Through that position, he met his first love, Queen Willa. Willa was his everything, his reason to fight even when his heart was heavy with grief from taking lives. He loved her beyond measure. One day the castle attacked by a usurper of the royal family, Willa, and her sister fought alongside Damen to keep the throne. Willa was unfortunately wounded during the attack and fell from the tower of the castle. The death of his lover drove Damen mad. He destroyed the usurper's army and family and grieved for days over Willa. Eventually, Damen disappeared, leaving the service of the new Queen and wandering off into the countryside.

Damen, having supernatural blood, is an Immortal. He turns up every now and then throughout history under different names and sometimes different looks. He is always present before a catastrophe.

Birthday - When is Damen ap Aeschylus ’s birthday?

December 5th, 600 B.C

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Damen ap Aeschylus have?

He has multiple horses and he owns a falcon named Boan

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
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