info Overview
Name - What is Medical Technician’s full name?

Medical Technician

Role - What is Medical Technician’s role in your story?

A super human medical technician reporting for duty!

Other names - What other aliases does Medical Technician go by?

Med-Tech, Rose

Gender - What is Medical Technician’s gender?


Age - How old is Medical Technician?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Medical Technician weigh?

115 lbs (52 kg)

Height - How tall is Medical Technician?

5'1" (155cm)

Hair Color - What color is Medical Technician’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Medical Technician style their hair?

Bob cut

Eye Color - What is Medical Technician’s eye color?


Race - What is Medical Technician’s race?

Super Human

Skin Tone


Body Type


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Medical Technician have?

Taps foot when impatient, puts hands in pockets when uncomfortable or thinking

Flaws - What flaws does Medical Technician have?

Because she was only exposed to other super humans, she doesn't know the limits of regular humans

Talents - What talents does Medical Technician have?

First Aid, Sewing

Hobbies - What hobbies does Medical Technician have?

Reading, Sewing, Looking at Flowers

Personality type - What personality type is Medical Technician?

ENFJ-A (Extroverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging, Assertive)

Med-Tech is generally friendly and polite with everyone she meets, and her positive outlook only seems to become more apparent as people get to know her. She has a curiosity about the world outside her squadron, but not enough to break away and explore. She's always excited to learn new things and potential to make new friends. All experiences are special to her.

groups Social
Occupation - What is Medical Technician’s occupation?

Medical Technician

Favorite color - What is Medical Technician’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Medical Technician’s favorite food?

Soup, Corned Beef

Favorite weapon - What is Medical Technician’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is Medical Technician’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Medical Technician have?

Medical Technician

date_range History
Birthday - When is Medical Technician’s birthday?


Education - What is Medical Technician’s level of education?

Doctorate in Nursing Science

Background - What is Medical Technician’s background?

Having been created as a super human, Med-Tech was raised to be just that; a medical technician. She never had a thought about her identity or anything outside of working for the military as a medical technician. It wasn't until a super soldier brought her back a flower as a gift that she started to wonder about things on the outside. It wasn't long after that she changed her ID from just saying "Name: Medical Technician, Title: Medical Technician" to "Name: Rose, Title: Medical Technician". While she still doesn't know much about things outside of the medical field, she is excited to learn.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

  • Med-Tech has no knowledge of her age (but she's probably in her 20's)

  • She thinks new born babies are amazing

  • Med-Tech is unaware she can reproduce

  • She was born with brown hair, but through technology it's now permanently pink (until she gets an upgrade)

  • She tried to make her eyes pink, but it wasn't an option. So she turned them red (they were originally green)

  • Med-Tech has the qualifications to be a head doctor at a hospital

  • She wears bandages around her wrists for pressure; weight and pressure keep her calm

  • There are about 50 other Med-Tech's in her squadron, all of whom are named "Medical Technician"

  • If Med-Tech ever played video games, she'd like the Animal Crossing series and maybe Pokemon

  • Japanese Voice Actress: Manaka Iwami, English Voice Actress: Cherami Leigh

Character chevron_right Best friends link linked Medical Technician

This character was created by Mary on

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