info Overview
Name - What is Catori Soua’s full name?

Catori Soua

Role - What is Catori Soua’s role in your story?

Dumbass Necromancer

Other names - What other aliases does Catori Soua go by?

Ghost Whisperer

Gender - What is Catori Soua’s gender?


Age - How old is Catori Soua?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Catori Soua weigh?


Height - How tall is Catori Soua?


Hair Color - What color is Catori Soua’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Catori Soua style their hair?

Long hair, wavy

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Catori Soua have?


Eye Color - What is Catori Soua’s eye color?

Rounded almond eyes, that are a light-ish brown. At night or in the dark, though, they reflect light, which shows in photos a lot of the time as a red glint.

Race - What is Catori Soua’s race?

Navajo/[cant find the specific, but asian]

Skin Tone


Body Type

Curvy, light muscle

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Catori Soua have?

She has two very noticeable ones, the first right over her heart, and the second mirroring it on the back, from being stabbed with a sword.

Bunch of random scars, and some more nasty looking ones.

Tattoo of a white chrysanthemum on her right shoulder.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Catori Soua have?

Watching the space just behind people, instead of looking at them.

Makes eye contact when she remembers she’s talking to someone, but like, weirdly intensely.

Traces her post-GFA heart scar when lost in thought.

Smiles sharply when she’s angry or about to start shit.

Motivations - What motivates Catori Soua most?

Lancelot-esque need to protect people

The people she considers family

The aesthetic

Pre GFA: finding her mother’s ghost

Flaws - What flaws does Catori Soua have?

Again, that Lancelot-esque disposition. It causes her to have no regard for her own safety.

Doesn’t care what happens to herself.

A strong moral code that no one can figure out.


Prejudices - What prejudices does Catori Soua have?

Might have a sorta very strong distrust for men over the age of thirty.

Talents - What talents does Catori Soua have?

Can fix up nearly any car, thanks to practice destroying and fixing people’s cars.

Scaring people.

Finding her way through places most people can’t.

Communicating with the dead.

High pain tolerance after literally dying.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Catori Soua have?



Exploring abandoned/dangerous places

Hunting cryptids

Helping ghosts

Starting trouble

Climbing the outside of light houses apparently



groups Social
Religion - What religion does Catori Soua practice?


Politics - What politics does Catori Soua have?

Probably liberal-ish, but would rather just fight to decide on things. Not war, just fist fights. Or knife fights. Definitely knife fights.

Occupation - What is Catori Soua’s occupation?

Mechanic and local ghost hunter/cryptid befriender

Favorite color - What is Catori Soua’s favorite color?

Red. Blood red probably. Fond of white as well.

Favorite food - What is Catori Soua’s favorite food?

Grilled cheese. Straight up

Favorite possession - What is Catori Soua’s favorite possession?

Mother’s wedding ring, post GFA

Favorite weapon - What is Catori Soua’s favorite weapon?

k n IFe

Favorite animal - What is Catori Soua’s favorite animal?

Moths probably

date_range History
Birthday - When is Catori Soua’s birthday?

Dec 20th

Education - What is Catori Soua’s level of education?

In high school

Background - What is Catori Soua’s background?

Copy pasted:

her mother saw ghosts as well. She was raised on a reservation in arizona, her mother a medicine woman and daughter of one of the tribe’s most prominent medicine men, and her father accepted even though he was almost viewed as a sort of mascot. He’s just Like That. her mother passed away under strange circumstances about a year before the current setting time, and even with the overwhelming support of the tribe and their family, her and her dad decided to move. It really didn't help that she was the one who was with her mother when she died suddenly at the grocery store, and Catori still has no clue how it happened. They chose at random by throwing a dart at a map.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Catori Soua have?

Her friends share custody of a chicken named Theresa Caputo.

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

Goes to a private school, the school colors being green and gold. Wears the uniform in a way that gets her dresscoded at least once a week.

School animal: moth. Luna moth.

folder_open Clothing

If it’s low cut or cropped, she’s wearing it.


Shorts, jeans, literal leather pants. All depends on the mood and what she’s about to go get up to.


Sandals, only if she has to wear shoes.


Sunglasses sometimes, blood red lipstick, her mother’s wedding ring. Any amount of jewelry.


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