info Overview
Name - What is Davis Jones’s full name?

Davis Jones

Age - How old is Davis Jones?
Gender - What is Davis Jones’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Davis Jones go by?

  • Davey

  • Pirate

face Looks
Height - How tall is Davis Jones?

  • 6'2.5" (Get Out Alive)

  • 5'11 (The Bully and the Nerd: A Gay Romance)

Hair Color - What color is Davis Jones’s hair?


Eye Color - What is Davis Jones’s eye color?

Bottle Green

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Davis Jones have?

See hair style

Skin Tone

Type II normal skin with neutral undertones

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Davis Jones have?

  • A heart shaped freckle on his right cheek

  • A jagged scar running over his left eye where an ex scratched him

  • A anti-possession symbol on his left pectoral

  • A skull-and-crossbones branded on his right bicep.

Race - What is Davis Jones’s race?


Body Type

  • Meso/endomorph

  • Toned, muscular build (he's stronger than he looks)


  • Wears dark and brightly colored t-shirts, blue jeans, and red and black tennis shoes

  • Wears a black leather jacket

  • Has a golden necklace with a cross pendant, and a ring with a peridot gem on his left middle finger

  • Will wear fine designer suits

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Davis Jones have?

  • Drawing

  • Singing

  • Writing

Flaws - What flaws does Davis Jones have?

Verbally, emotionally, mentally, and physically abusive. Deceptive. Malicious.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Davis Jones have?

Drawing, reading, singing, writing, bike riding, exercising, swimming, playing video games

Personality type - What personality type is Davis Jones?

Verbally, emotionally, mentally, and physically abusive. Deceptive. Malicious.

groups Social
info History
device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
folder_open Life Status
history Changelog
edit Notes


NOTE: In "The Bully and the Nerd" he's had some girlfriends in the past, but lately he's been coming to terms with the fact that he also likes guys. If asked about his sexual orientation he will swear that he's heterosexual.


This character was created by Sy on

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