info Overview
Name - What is Naivara Walker’s full name?

Naivara Walker

Role - What is Naivara Walker’s role in your story?

Noble of Myrin

Gender - What is Naivara Walker’s gender?


Age - How old is Naivara Walker?


face Looks
Height - How tall is Naivara Walker?


Weight - How much does Naivara Walker weigh?

120 pounds

Race - What is Naivara Walker’s race?

Half elf, half succubus

date_range History
Birthday - When is Naivara Walker’s birthday?

June 30th, 1432

Background - What is Naivara Walker’s background?

Naivara is the child of Dimira Walker and Syllia Juliana Caphaxath
, born because Dimira can change gender at will and did so in order to have a child with Juliana at the elf's wishes. They were born inside of the brothel in Myrin that Dimira runs as a baby girl, but as they grew seemed to have inherited either Dimira's ability to change gender or a known elven trait to do the same that Juliana didn't necessarily have to have for Naivara to get it, or some combination of the two. When Naivara was old enough they expressed the desire to be gender-neutral and changed their gender accordingly, giving themselves somewhat softer feminine features and letting their hair grow long but foregoing other feminine aspects.

As they aged it became readily apparent that Naivara was very interested in what Juliana used to be, and started to practice aspects of thievery. Dimira was less than pleased, of course, but taking lessons from her own mother knew that trying to stop Naivara as long as they weren't causing needless destruction was just asking for them to retaliate and possibly cause them to drift apart so instead she simply insists that Naivara take up the practice as safely as possible and learn from reputable sources.

In the past few years Naivara has kept up their skills, but taken to hanging out with their grandmother Naja Walker and learning the ins and outs of the noble life and how to behave as nobility. With their aunt Indris Kibeth-Fang uninterested in taking the throne and unable to due to being the guildmistress and Dimira also showing little interest in pursuing life as a nobility because of the restrictions that would impose on the way of life she likes to live running her brothel and having a happy marriage to Juliana, Naivara considers it their duty to at least be prepared in the event something happens to Naja and someone has to take over. They know not to seem too eager, of course, but there is no harm in being ready in case that has to become a thing.

edit Notes


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