info Overview
Name - What is Vienna Ryan’s full name?

Vienna Ryan

Role - What is Vienna Ryan’s role in your story?

Duchess of Pangea

Other names - What other aliases does Vienna Ryan go by?


Gender - What is Vienna Ryan’s gender?


Age - How old is Vienna Ryan?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Vienna Ryan weigh?

132 pounds

Height - How tall is Vienna Ryan?

5 feet, 6.5 inches

Hair Color - What color is Vienna Ryan’s hair?

Ginger red

Hair Style - How does Vienna Ryan style their hair?

Usually loose; always straightened (even though it's already pretty straight)

Eye Color - What is Vienna Ryan’s eye color?


Race - What is Vienna Ryan’s race?


Skin Tone


Body Type

Rectangular, bordering on triangle

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Vienna Ryan have?

Purses lips a lot, always fiddling with her fingers

Motivations - What motivates Vienna Ryan most?

Peace, power

Flaws - What flaws does Vienna Ryan have?

Bossy, easily angered, occasionally self-absorbed

Prejudices - What prejudices does Vienna Ryan have?

The lower class is trash.

Talents - What talents does Vienna Ryan have?

Dancing, can also juggle

Hobbies - What hobbies does Vienna Ryan have?

Art (especially needlework), reading

groups Social
Politics - What politics does Vienna Ryan have?

Attempts to follow politics but thinks they're complicated

Favorite color - What is Vienna Ryan’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Vienna Ryan’s favorite food?


Favorite possession - What is Vienna Ryan’s favorite possession?

A diamond hair clip

Favorite weapon - What is Vienna Ryan’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is Vienna Ryan’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Vienna Ryan have?


date_range History
Birthday - When is Vienna Ryan’s birthday?

February 23, 2155

Education - What is Vienna Ryan’s level of education?

Very high, had some of the best tutors in her region

Background - What is Vienna Ryan’s background?

Was sent to the Palace of Pangea to participate in Prince Haydan's wife search. Was found murdered on July 27, 2174. To prevent scaring the other competitors away, Clemmie Findlay, the maid who found the body, was entered in the competition as Elowyn. No one except the Queen knows that it's not really Elowyn.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

Gallery image was linked to
IMPORTANT NOTE: All the info here is about the real Elowyn. All information about Clemmie/Elowyn and the things she goes through in the competition are filed under Clemmie's page and Clemmie's name, since Clemmie is the one actually experiencing them.


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