assignment_ind Overview
Name - What is Sean Wilson’s full name?

Sean Wilson

Role - What is Sean Wilson’s role in your story?

Sean lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, after being there for a while, he notices a strange girl, who seemed to fancy him, she had dark red hair, horns, and sharp teeth, needless to say, he tried to keep his distance. (AU) Sean is a Super Villain called Blackout who has the ability to bend plasma and teleport to nearby locations.

Other names - What other aliases does Sean Wilson go by?




Gender - What is Sean Wilson’s gender?


Age - How old is Sean Wilson?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Sean Wilson weigh?

~180 lbs

Height - How tall is Sean Wilson?


Hair Color - What color is Sean Wilson’s hair?

Pure Black

Hair Style - How does Sean Wilson style their hair?

Messy and spiky

Eye Color - What is Sean Wilson’s eye color?

Brown and Blue

Race - What is Sean Wilson’s race?


Skin Tone


Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Sean Wilson have?

Freckles on his face

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Sean Wilson have?

Sean is quite social, however still private about his life, he has many friends.

Flaws - What flaws does Sean Wilson have?

Sean can tend to be a little too weak or not confident

Talents - What talents does Sean Wilson have?

Cooking, and getting walked all over.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Sean Wilson have?

Drinking, avoiding Cherry, and Avoiding Erin.

Personality type - What personality type is Sean Wilson?

Social Butterfly

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Sean Wilson practice?


Occupation - What is Sean Wilson’s occupation?

Works at a local Arcade

Favorite color - What is Sean Wilson’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Sean Wilson’s favorite food?

Chinese takeout

Favorite possession - What is Sean Wilson’s favorite possession?

Winter jacket

Favorite animal - What is Sean Wilson’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Sean Wilson have?

Works at an Arcade

date_range History
Birthday - When is Sean Wilson’s birthday?

November 15th

Education - What is Sean Wilson’s level of education?


Background - What is Sean Wilson’s background?

Sean Wilson is a lonely person, though he has many friend, he spends all of his nights alone in his room, either eating or sleeping. Sean doesn't have much a life other than work and home.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

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