info Overview
Name - What is Yanni’s full name?


Age - How old is Yanni?


Gender - What is Yanni’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Yanni go by?


Role - What is Yanni’s role in your story?

MC - Mom friend of the group
Daughter of the Tide

face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Yanni have?

Nothing but eyebrows

Hair Style - How does Yanni style their hair?

Hair always down or half up with a bun
Reaches mid-thigh, very wavy and shiny

Hair Color - What color is Yanni’s hair?

Jet black

Height - How tall is Yanni?


Weight - How much does Yanni weigh?

130 lbs

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Yanni have?

Faint traces on her face (see gallery, it's the portrait with the light tattoos on her face)

Body Type

Lithe, quite muscular

Skin Tone

Extremely pale

Race - What is Yanni’s race?


Eye Color - What is Yanni’s eye color?

Ice blue

fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Yanni?


info History
device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
child_friendly Dyszui
Character chevron_right Friends link linked Yanni

Character chevron_right Best friends link linked Yanni

This character was created by Amber on

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