info Overview
Name - What is Michi Hayashi’s full name?

Michi Hayashi

Role - What is Michi Hayashi’s role in your story?

A non-binary homosexual young person who likes feeling cute

Gender - What is Michi Hayashi’s gender?

Non-Binary (Gender assigned at birth is male)

Age - How old is Michi Hayashi?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Michi Hayashi weigh?

125 lbs

Height - How tall is Michi Hayashi?


Hair Color - What color is Michi Hayashi’s hair?

Light Brown

Hair Style - How does Michi Hayashi style their hair?

Bob cut

Eye Color - What is Michi Hayashi’s eye color?

Leaf green

Race - What is Michi Hayashi’s race?


Skin Tone


Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Michi Hayashi have?


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Michi Hayashi have?

Michi tends to cross their legs or kick their feet when sitting. They try to avoid making contact unless they have to or if they're making a point. Their neutral expression is a resting smile

Motivations - What motivates Michi Hayashi most?

Michi likes going out to do "nothing in particular". They don't like having plans and prefer to do thing spontaneously. The only reason they got a job was so they could have funding to be spontaneous. As much as they enjoy doing things 'on the fly', it wouldn't stop them from getting into a serious relationship.

Flaws - What flaws does Michi Hayashi have?

Because Michi is non-binary, they'll never answer the question of "are you a boy or a girl?" When asked what their preferred pronouns are, they simply say, "Call me whatever you'd like, just not late for dinner." This type of ambiguity can be rather irritating.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Michi Hayashi have?

Michi hates people who assume they are either transgendered or a drag queen. They don't mind the body their in, and they're not so "outlandish" that they would go in full drag. In their mind, passing judgement like that is just as bad as making racist or sexist comments.

Talents - What talents does Michi Hayashi have?

Singing, Cooking

Hobbies - What hobbies does Michi Hayashi have?

Playing with their cat, napping, playing video games, window shopping


Minor Male Pseudohermaphroditism

groups Social
Politics - What politics does Michi Hayashi have?


Occupation - What is Michi Hayashi’s occupation?

Works at a cafe during the day

Favorite color - What is Michi Hayashi’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Michi Hayashi’s favorite food?

Cake pops, beef jerky, home made food

Favorite animal - What is Michi Hayashi’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Michi Hayashi have?

Cafe attendant

date_range History
Education - What is Michi Hayashi’s level of education?

Some college

Background - What is Michi Hayashi’s background?

Michi grew up with their parents. They often let Michi decide where they want to sleep, when they wanted to eat, and what they want to wear. While Michi often got teased whenever they wore "girls clothes", they would say, "They're not 'girls clothes' they're my clothes. If I want to wear a skirt, I'll wear a skirt. If I want to wear pants, I'll wear pants." That was basically their mantra through school. Michi would often come home with bruises and black eyes, but they knew that reporting it was pointless because the school would take the side of the bullies. After graduating, Michi continued to wear whatever they pleased and lived life doing as they liked; though never being reckless.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Michi Hayashi have?

A siberian cat named Hara

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

This character was created by Mary on

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