info Overview
Name - What is Aerrin Dameon Grey’s full name?

Aerrin Dameon Grey

Role - What is Aerrin Dameon Grey’s role in your story?

"The boy, or actually girl, who lived."

Other names - What other aliases does Aerrin Dameon Grey go by?


Gender - What is Aerrin Dameon Grey’s gender?

Aerrin was born as a girl and transitioned to a boy because his father had a son who died.

Age - How old is Aerrin Dameon Grey?

87, but he looks like a teenager so no one really knows

insert_emoticon Looks
Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Aerrin Dameon Grey have?

His pale skin and gaunt cheeks and shallow eyes and flesh pulled sickly against his bones
In his undead form his flesh tears away from itself and hangs in rags down his limbs and torso

Athleticism Type

Maybe works out once a month, but went through too much shit to be under or overweight

fingerprint Nature
groups Social
Job - What job does Aerrin Dameon Grey have?


date_range History
device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

This character was created by Seth on

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