info Overview
Name - What is Oz ’s full name?


Age - How old is Oz ?

He has no clue. Old though

Gender - What is Oz ’s gender?

Oz has lived too many lives and been in too many situations to just have one gender identity so he classifies himself as Genderfluid but he leans towards male or non-binary most of the time

Other names - What other aliases does Oz go by?

Oz's real name is Oslan Bloodgood. Most people call him Dr. Bloodgood, Oz, Bloodgood, High Priest of the Darkcourt, or if he's pissed someone off recently; the Order's bitch

Role - What is Oz ’s role in your story?

(Still debating)

face Looks
Eye Color - What is Oz ’s eye color?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Oz have?

Not usually, he doesn't like the feeling cuz its scratchy to him. Especially cuz he likes to sleep with his arm under his cheek when he does sleep

Hair Style - How does Oz style their hair?

His hair is cut to fade on the sides but then its lower on the top and kinda swoops over some some strands fall over his forehead, lets just say he's a hot dude.

Hair Color - What color is Oz ’s hair?

At moment its a vibrant red, he's not sure what color his hair was originally

Height - How tall is Oz ?


Identifying Marks and other Identifying Features

Oz as two full sleeves of tattoos, one for each arm. His tattoos are mostly geometric with small symbols mixed in

Body Type

Oz is in great shape, he has broad muscled shoulders and biceps. His body does the thing where his shoulders are wider then his hips. He has a strong build but not in a gross body builder kinda way. Oz is surprisingly agile

Weight - How much does Oz weigh?

He doesn't believe in scales (but its a health weight)

Skin Tone

A beautiful tan color that kinda looks odd with his hair but he works it

Race - What is Oz ’s race?

He has no clue, again.

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This character was created by Sophie on

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