info Overview
Name - What is Cassiel Marie Daniels’s full name?

Cassiel Marie Daniels

Age - How old is Cassiel Marie Daniels?


Gender - What is Cassiel Marie Daniels’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Cassiel Marie Daniels go by?


Role - What is Cassiel Marie Daniels’s role in your story?


face Looks
Eye Color - What is Cassiel Marie Daniels’s eye color?

Piercing blue

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Cassiel Marie Daniels have?


Hair Style - How does Cassiel Marie Daniels style their hair?

Down, curly

Hair Color - What color is Cassiel Marie Daniels’s hair?

Jet black

Height - How tall is Cassiel Marie Daniels?


Weight - How much does Cassiel Marie Daniels weigh?

98 lbs.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Cassiel Marie Daniels have?

Vertical labret piercing, always has a bandage on her face, nose bleeds occasionally.

Body Type


Skin Tone

Pale white

Race - What is Cassiel Marie Daniels’s race?

Cambion (Half-demon)

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Cassiel Marie Daniels have?

  • Singing, though she would never allow anyone to hear her.

  • She has a really good aim and can hit pretty much anything her heart desires with a bouncy ball. Or an arrow. Whichever she's in the mood for.

  • She can hold her breath for almost 4 minutes, a trick she perfected while trying to hide in a lake.


B e i n g h a l f d e m o n ?
She can conjure a flame on her fingertip by snapping, and when she blows on the flame, it grows into a fireball on her palm.
Also she's lowkey depressed.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Cassiel Marie Daniels have?

Um, she stares a lot because she sees blinking as a weakness.
She also speaks as little as possible and shows as little emotion as possible.

Motivations - What motivates Cassiel Marie Daniels most?


Flaws - What flaws does Cassiel Marie Daniels have?

  • She doesn't trust anyone, which means that she can never really rely on anyone for help.

  • Way too independent, and doesn't know when to stop and ask for help.

  • Gets frustrated really easily

  • Has a hot temper.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Cassiel Marie Daniels have?

Doesn't like anyone who's nice to her. Also hates large dogs.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Cassiel Marie Daniels have?

  • Singing

  • Free-diving

  • Running away

  • Shooting

Personality type - What personality type is Cassiel Marie Daniels?

Ok, so… she sort of hides her personality from the majority of people. She speaks as little as humanly possible, and if anyone asks her questions, especially personal ones, she lashes out at them. If anyone tries to be nice to her, she does the same. She doesn't like it when people try to comfort her, she doesn't like it when people are kind to her, and she doesn't like it when people try to befriend her. It takes her a long time to trust someone. Normally, she won't trust anyone with anything. She doesn't like telling people anything about herself, she doesn't like depending on people to drive her places, she doesn't even like it when people help her pack for her next home. Her motto is, if you don't put your trust in anyone, they can't break it.

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Cassiel Marie Daniels’s favorite color?


Favorite animal - What is Cassiel Marie Daniels’s favorite animal?

Peregrine falcon.

Favorite weapon - What is Cassiel Marie Daniels’s favorite weapon?

Her fire, or a rapier. Light, fast, and deadly. Like her.

Favorite possession - What is Cassiel Marie Daniels’s favorite possession?

Her trusted and worn out red zip-up hoodie.

Favorite food - What is Cassiel Marie Daniels’s favorite food?


Occupation - What is Cassiel Marie Daniels’s occupation?


Politics - What politics does Cassiel Marie Daniels have?


Religion - What religion does Cassiel Marie Daniels practice?


Job - What job does Cassiel Marie Daniels have?

Acslvhifjnfi qbj?

info History
Birthday - When is Cassiel Marie Daniels’s birthday?

February 1st, 2003

Background - What is Cassiel Marie Daniels’s background?

Demon mother, human father, um, they kind of both hated her? So they were like… nope. And so she's in the foster system now, even though she's tried to get out of it 15 times already. Started running away when she was 8, and keeps running away every couple of months. They usually try to send her back to the home she ran away from, but eventually even the kindest of families decides she's too much, and she gets moved on once again.

Education - What is Cassiel Marie Daniels’s level of education?


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history Changelog
edit Notes

This character was created by Simon on

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